Anyone here move from the US to EU?

It depends: I woudn’t go to the clan controlled no go areas in some of Europes big cities. … where no police dares to ensure security.

…uh, can you tell me where you mean, precisely?

The answer is always “why, you got some going spare?”


Sorry, but this is straight BS. How would you explain racist terrorism and assasinations in Germany like Hanau? Or the several extremist right wing tendencies in police etc.? One must be waaayy too privileged to make such twisted comments…

I don’t deny it, neither I am saying that it’s better. I am just saying that racism in Europe is very different and it usually stems from xenophobia. Just dumb American racial “standards” don’t apply here.

it is a threat to everyone that is not white.

What is “white” in Europe? Half of the people from the continent from Portugal to Armenia that would probably be defined as “latino” in the States? All the Germanic peoples? Slavs? Perhaps Eskimos in Finland that would probably be generalized as “asian” in America? Middle-eastern looking people in Eastern Europe that been living there for hundreds of years? Maybe they would be called “blacks”? You see where I am going.

But I don’t want to talk about his anymore. Racism is dumb and, in general, it’s meant for dumbasses. I hate it with passion. And Europe is not America.


It is absolutely different. That took me a few years to learn, and it was a fascinating and kind of terrible thing, and I’ll second the whole “don’t bring the US standards here because they just don’t work” part wholeheartedly.


Ha ha. Actually, I usually asked because I wanted to try some finally especially since I never managed to get crunked on Four Loko before it was banned.

Tastes like arse, feels so good.

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There is a high identification in Germany, France and UK, also Spain and many other parts that not not only identify as white, but also still have paragraphs in their constitution referring to whiteness as national identification.

I agree with that, but it is flat out ignorant and dangerous to underestimate racism in Europe. It is very much a threat to me and anyone I know that is seen as “foreign”, even though growing up here my whole life never being accepted as “them” and also facing structural racism every day.

To get back to the topic:

Europe might be less “in your face” when it comes to racism (except when you are in the “Redneck” areas here), but as long as you are white you will not face any of these issues.

For fuck’s sake…


Strange that it is actually made in England but mostly consumed in Scotland, no? I have a fondness for Scots every since I had my my first reefer experience with one outside of a bar in my 30s. Ended with me waking up on the kitchen floor with a pot of pasta on fire as all the water boiled out.



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They exist though of course beeing denied out of various reasons and it’s not a question of skin color but of tribal / clan membership.

However I don’t have the mission to convince.
Nevertheless believe what you wan’t and good luck with all of your decisions. Take care!

I smell BS here. Quotation from said constitutions needed.

If you can read German: Here you go:

I found the English translation of the German Constitution (Basic Law) on the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice, and here’s article 3, Para 3 you refer to. My God is it racist!

(3) No person shall be favoured or disfavoured because of sex, parentage, race, language, homeland and origin, faith or religious or political opinions. No person shall be disfavoured because of disability.

Yeah, this basically shows your argument is fake. Art. 3 paragraph 3 of the German Grundgesetz *cinstitution) basically bans any form if discrimination based on gender, race, etc. The current debate is simply about replacing the term “race” (which is historically and politically difficult, and bioligically nonsensical) with an slternative, possibly better expression.

I don’t believe there’s any country on Earth without racism. In my experience Eastern Europeans don’t have the social qualms about expressing their racist thoughts that Anglos do. Not sure if they’re less enlightened or just more honest.

Anyway, my favourite European cities are Lisbon and Rotterdam. Lisbon’s definitely caught the curse of Barcelona though, they’re friendly but probably not that happy to see more newbies arriving.


Allrighty, I see that there is no point im discussing the difficulty of the term “race” here, since it seems to be quite okay here to consider race a cathegory…I’m out of this

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Yea well, especially considering the tax breaks they gave to EU citizens to buy property there, making it unaffordable for many Portuguese…

I agree “race” could be replaced by ethnicity, or “ethnic background”, but there’s absolutely nothing there referring to “whiteness as national identification” as you claimed.