Anyone interested in meeting up and making some music in the Southeast Michigan area?

I live in Ann Arbor and make electronic music. I really like playing live but find that I’m missing something playing on my own. Playing with others there is always this element of give and take that lets you each create something that you couldn’t on your own. Anyone in the area interested in playing machine music live and wanna meetup and Jam? It doesn’t have to be with elektron gear but playing with sequencers is definitely appealing to me.

Here is some of the music I make for context:

I really dig AFX, autechre, Octave One, Cherushii, bunch of the folks on Detund, ect…




Im in West Bloomfield, so not too far from AA. I would be up for jamming, just have to plan a bit with a family.


As an ex-Ann Arborite I’m saying Hello, and hoping you get some good jams going. There’s lots of musicians there so if they don’t show up here, keep looking, you’ll find them…


Oh man, home to Ghostly? Yeah I’m sure you can find some local talent to collaborate.

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Careful if your going to U of M, I met musicians there and started a band, next thing you know I dropped out and moved to Eugene Oregon with the band… :smile:
Or perhaps that’s what you would like to happen? :thinking: :rofl:

I understand its a bit of a haul with traffic. I would be open to setting up some time way out in the future to meet at a coffee shop and bring a noisemaker of some kind.

Hello! I never went to U of M but moved here after school. Love the place and yeah I would love to find more people to make tunes with! its not as easy as when your in school. I appreciate the kind words. What is your band called?

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Believe it or not my band at the time was the Cozmic Monkee Circus Ensemble… :joy:
We were only there from 98 to the end of 99, then played in Eugene for maybe a year and a half after that…
More popular was the Heart of Gold band in Grand Rapids, which I played with on and off from 97 to 2004 or so. Now a days I’m just Open Mike and I’ve been slowly but surely brewing up a live looping solo set, with hopes to meet like minded musicians after getting my solo stuff out there, in a way to filter out musicians to those that already enjoy what they’ll here from me and possibly be hearing similar things in their own headz…

Ohh man I’d love to but I’m quite a few thousand kilometers from you guys… Never even been to the states either. Should go one day…

Hope yall have a good un!

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