Anyone tried a Blofeld?

I’m thinking about getting one. I got rid of my xt a month ago, mainly due to a couple of things,

  • the ‘responsiveness’ of the knobs, sometimes it felt like I could turn pretty much all of the knobs either way without it really making much of a difference to the sound. Probably user error somehow, but it left me feeling it a hopeless beast to tame.

  • some of its parameters was hidden deep inside it. You had to push the matrix editor button three times, and then scroll the selection wheel, even though there was nothing to indicate that there were more parameters to edit. Frustrating experience.

I have since been wanting a new keyboard, multitimbral synth and wavetable synth, and the blofeld seems to fit the bill perfectly. Now, I don’t really mind the editing matrix of the blofeld, as long as every available parameter is visible on the screen, and every screen accessible from the edit matrix.

But how does the blofeld compare to the xt in the sense of responding to parameter edits? Will you often end up editing a lot of parameters without it really affecting the sound? For people who have both, how would you compare the two interface wise? I know a lot of people would prefer the xt soundwise, I’m not concerned about that, but its the interface I’d like to know how compare between the units.

Opinions much appreciated! :slight_smile:

No, but discussions at GearSlutz have made me want to. I have had a pulse and Micro Q before and traded them as I had mixed feelings about the sound - they tend to dominate a mix. And at first I ignored the Blofeld because it had only 2 outs, and no inputs, looked like a bit of a toy synth except for the fancy display.

But it does have some great sounds - truly outstanding FM bells, for example. It’s definitely on my ‘check it out’ list.

I had a Blofeld for a couple of years. In the end, the OS was just too buggy for me. I’ve heard that since then Waldorf have issued an update, but I’d check with the various Blofeld forums about its effectiveness first.

Although many of the parameters can be edited from the matrix, there are a lot that can’t, I always found digging into the modulation section to be a little bit annoying, but then that’s probably true of most modern synths.

Try to buy a newer model, they have better encoders.

Ah, really? Damn, that’s a letdown. So how do you access these parameters if not from the matrix? That was one of my biggest gripe with the XT, hated the fact that you had to dig to find parameters that should’ve been out in the open.

Editing is not a concern IMO. If you can edit elektron boxes, you can handle the blof. And you can access everything fairly easily. But of course, compared to your XT, the blo only has a small number of knobs in comparison.

I would do your research on the build quality issues. It is good if they have started using different encoders on the newer ones. I haven’t run into any huge quality issues, but the encoders on mine skip a little.

Are you thinking about the keyboard or desktop version?

I’ve never used an XT so I can’t compare directly, but I did own a Blofeld and I sold it for the same reason you sold your XT.

I bought it because it was cheap as and came highly recommended from gearslutz. It was a great synth for the price, I found editing in a matrix style perfectly fine and it didnt bother me, in fact the visual displays were quite nice for editing.

But for me the issue was when I programmed stuff it felt like nothing was happening. Especially with the filter. The filter on the blofeld was amazingly mundane and more often than not just drowned my sound.

Now I have heard people make amazing blofeld patches that rocked. I am not saying its not capable, but I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted so I got rid of it. I found the filter especially unresponsive. It sounds like you had a similar experieince with the XT and so maybe it’s a waldorf thing.

Anyway thats my two cents. Take them with a pinch of salt as many people have very different experiences with different synths. Best of all if you can get out and play one in a shop and see for yourself.

Despite disliking the blo, since I got my OT I kinda wish I still had it as a multi timbral poly would be awesome to sequence.

If I was gonna get a VA I think I would try the nord x2. SImilar price nice sound.

Sorry for the long reply.

I have the Blofeld Keyboard, ‘Shadow Edition’, and the key-action is quite good with very responsive after touch, velocity and release velocity. I waited a bit before purchasing and when stable OS released went for it and perhaps I indeed acquired a newer/better encoder version because honestly have had NO issues whatsoever.

The editing matrix is actually quite intuitive and have no problems there either and it’s quite the capable synth. With that said, it really is a synth unto it’s own, meaning, it does not ‘replace’ my XT or Q rack synths by Waldorf and although I love the Blofeld, the Q is my favorite Waldorf Synth (not microQ…full blown Q). Having a Virus KB and KC, I dare still have opinion that the Q is still the deeper mod matrix and more versatile synth. The XT is a purely wavetable synth so not really comparison to the Blofeld.

Would think any genre of music could find a place for Blofeld. It can do sublime atmospheric moving pads and ambient dreamscape sounds to rip your face off sounds and has a very capable arp.
What I love most about the Blofeld are the various filter drives and filters themselves. Waldorf filters are notoriously misunderstood and more often than not, people do not realize they are constantly “overdriving” the filter, when all you need do is turn the filter freq and resonance down and apply various drive curves to the filters and you get wonderful sounds of all kinds. This is true of the Q as well. This of course is all very subjective but the very large display and menu system is quite well implemented and as aforementioned, intuitive. But I have heard people say this about the Octatrack as well as polar opposite…again, subjective.

Lastly, I think the Blofeld is A LOT of synth for little money and think it marries well with both A4 and MnM.

I have a desktop Blofeld…it’s a great synth! It’s got a lot of modulation options even more than the A4 has. Comes with 1000 presets and does wavetable synthesis. For the price you can’t go wrong with the Blofeld IMO.

I’m not a fan of menu-diving, and using the Blofeld includes some diving, but it’s not so bad really. The sounds are amazing, and it’s a great synth to go with my MD. Build quality is very good, the knobs for example feel a lot sturdier than the ones on MD. The latest OS is bug-free as far as I can tell.

its a great synth yes but i recommend you a Waldorf Q

I have a blokeys. It’s a good synth, but I don’t use it very often. It’s because of the interface. The matrix interface is not bad at all, and with the big screen you can really see what’s going on but this synth has so many parameters that depend on each other, which result in alot of params doing nothing if they are not setup right (dependant on other params)

Bottom line is, I like to “play” with my synths, and not “think” too much. When behind the blofeld, I always realise the stuff I’m trying to do would be much easier on Largo.

Maybe an option would be to hook up an ipad with lemur to the blofeld. You’d have much more hands-on control that way.

I never cared much for the knobs on the XT anyway (as a lot of them rarely “responded” all that well), so that’s not an issue! I’ve read many places that the newer versions are supposedly of better build than the old ones, so I’m trusting that.
I’m thinking of getting the keyboard version, will be using it as my “master” keyboard. :slight_smile: Thanks for your reply, man!

I’ve never used an XT so I can’t compare directly, but I did own a Blofeld and I sold it for the same reason you sold your XT.

I bought it because it was cheap as and came highly recommended from gearslutz. It was a great synth for the price, I found editing in a matrix style perfectly fine and it didnt bother me, in fact the visual displays were quite nice for editing.

But for me the issue was when I programmed stuff it felt like nothing was happening. Especially with the filter. The filter on the blofeld was amazingly mundane and more often than not just drowned my sound.

Now I have heard people make amazing blofeld patches that rocked. I am not saying its not capable, but I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted so I got rid of it. I found the filter especially unresponsive. It sounds like you had a similar experieince with the XT and so maybe it’s a waldorf thing.

Anyway thats my two cents. Take them with a pinch of salt as many people have very different experiences with different synths. Best of all if you can get out and play one in a shop and see for yourself.

Despite disliking the blo, since I got my OT I kinda wish I still had it as a multi timbral poly would be awesome to sequence.

If I was gonna get a VA I think I would try the nord x2. SImilar price nice sound.

Sorry for the long reply. [/quote]
Hmmm, thanks for your reply, man! :slight_smile: Well, it’s the “unresponsiveness” I’m a bit weary of, but I think I just need to try it out for myself. The filter on the XT was actually really good! One of the really responsive and great parts of it, hehe. But a lot of the mod-matrix things in it just didn’t really affect the sound at all, in my opinion.
I had a Nord 2, but sold it, as I found its sound a bit boring, kind of flat.

That’s good to hear! :slight_smile: I’m basically getting it to accompany my A4 and MnM as well, so that’s good news! Thanks for your reply, man! :slight_smile:

Cool, thanks! :slight_smile: I think I’m moving towards getting one, in all honesty, hehehe. Couldn’t possibly contain myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool - that’s good news! I’ve also read that the OS is supposedly very stable now. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Too big, too old, far too expensive, but thanks for the recommendation! :wink:

Hmm, interesting, as this was my experience with the XT as well, and what made me want to sell it. I think I need to try it out though, and worst casio scenario, I’d take a little financial hit, but I’d probably be able to sell it again, if it doesn’t fit me. Thanks a lot for your reply!
Thanks a lot, guys! I’ll save up for this one and have a go, too curious not to now. :wink:

Just a quick tip before you buy: look at page 29-34 of the manual. There you can see which parameters are available on the matrix, and which are located on pages that you scroll to from these matrix points (the whole synth engine menu is arranged in tons of pages that you scroll through, starting at Oscillator 1 and all the way to Arpeggiator Length, with the matrix points working as shortcuts/performance controls in between).

To me the interface is a letdown on this unit. It’s sort of a compromise between performance and editing which doesen’t really work too well. While I haven’t really used the XT, it sure looks a lot more hands-on and intuitive to edit.


The synth engine/sound is really good and weighs up for the shortcomings of the interface. And regarding bugs, I can’t remember encountering any (I use it monotimbrally).

Well, the Blofeld isn’t too bad at all…

I bought one a year ago, mainly for creating pads and textures for ambient tracks. Listened to quite a lot of youtube demos and stuff and they were pretty impressive and all BUT: As good as the Blofeld sounds, it never made me wanna sit down and program sounds from scratch. As a nord lead and virus owner I am used to have lots of parameters straight at hand.

Connecting to a Novation Remote SL MKII didn’t do the job either unfortunately. After all I sold it and bought Camel Audio’s Alchemy - that thing is a beast and beats the blofeld in every aspect. Still have to use the Novation though but the advantages of Alchemy justifies that.

So in short: As long as you don’t mind menudiving Blofeld is a cool synth especially for its price but the handling is not for everyone.