Anyone using modifiers?

I’m sure if someone really planned out some tracks around their use it can be a cool tool, but as it is it feels a bit clunky. I wish they were sort of overall pattern effects that would be able to be triggered like a freeze delay, or something like a PO fx section.


…i also think, their day will come and is simply not here to stay and make sense YET…

but i’m pretty positive, that’s soon to change…

for now, i also have not used them that much…

but we’re talking elektron here…and a firmware that is still a baby…

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I have not used them at all. And at the current implementation I am not seeing them used by me in the future. Add Sound Locks, maybe. Add FX-Track Parameters, maybe…
But most of all, why not deactivate the feature via an option and make them 4 Midi tracks (without any machine functionality) - that should be possible…


I often use Decay for open and closed hi hats, varying retrig rates to sequence fast percussion, haven’t found a use for the A and B mods.

I think one catch-22 is the trig mods don’t work when the on-screen keyboard is there (so you can’t use at all on melodic lines), and if you plug in a keyboard, the mod wheel etc mods in the sound menu are way more powerful and reliable.

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I was thinking that the modifiers could be amazing if they worked like holding a trig.

You hold a modifier then tweak a setting like filter frequency and it would be only for that track. Then you could have 4 “perfomance trigs” for each active track.

IMO that would be very easy to understand and have many uses. It would take some setup, but would work just like p-locks on trigs (aka the Elektron workflow).

For example on a kick, you could have 4 different combinations of p-locks and could set then to whatever you want. Then when performing you could hit any of them. You could even record with them as they would just be a trig with p-locks.

I’d happily give up what we have now for that, and I’d use them a lot more.


Performance Trigs?

Great idea.

Also as suggested before, my first thought when I saw the modifiers was that they would modify the actually sequences while playing of one or more tracks simultaneously. Like a sort of hyper fill / focussed control all. I think it’s probably the most obvious thing to be added in the future


Yeah, they would be 4 trigs that you could tap while the sequencer is running, and would have all the p-locks on them. A bit like how previewing a trig works, but you wouldn’t need to hold and tap [YES]

“Performance Trigs” seems like a decent name for them :slight_smile:


Something like on the Rytm mkII.

Ah didn’t know that! I’ve never owned one. Will have to look it up. Thanks for pointing it out.


Press [SCNE] to enter scene mode. A scene is a collection of fixed parameter locks. It enables an instant makeover of how the tracks of the active kit sound, at the touch of a single pad. 12 scenes may be assigned, one for each of the [PADS].

Press one of the [PADS] when in scene mode to activate a scene. Only one scene may be active at a time. When active, the pad to which the scene is assigned glows blue. The of non-empty, inactive scenes glow half-bright blue. Empty scenes have unlit pads. If the pad of the active track contains a scene, the pad is violet colored (a mix of the active track color and the scene color, red and blue).


I used the retrig modifiers live in an improvisational setting, where the fact that they are fixed at full velocity didn’t interfere too much with the whole mix.

Modifier section = so much potential, but not quite there yet.

Does anyone know if this has been implemented? I am not sure if live quantisation for retrig modifiers isn’t supported in Syntakt or I am just cannot find the settings for it. Is it hard to do some snare rolls without live quantisation

Having the modifier behaviour change on a per track basis would be nice.

On a tonal track being able to use the modifier for reverb and delay is nice.

Then on a percussion track have the modifiers affect decay or overdrive.

Also, can we get multiple parameters per modifier please.

I think there’s a discussion in another thread, but for tracks where it makes sense to turn off or change the new Velocity-to-Volume sound setting, Velocity Mod, also in the sound menu, lets you set any 4 parameter changes per sound. This works pretty well for adding variation on track input, though it’d be nicer if the trig let you modify a playing sequence…


…i like @DaveMech 's idea of this “HYPERFILL” concept a lot…

for now, still, lot’s of headroom for all kinds of improovements on these modifiers…

so, this spring, it’s time for next level firmware updates, including some new little sound gimmick machines AND to give this modifiers a real purpose for heavy abuse…


I posted this in Syntakt feature requests before, but I think this would really expand the syntakt modifiers. Scenes are even a type of modifier, so the name makes sense for this request;

Maybe previously mentioned but the modifiers having a second mode which act like the scenes on the Rytm. Hold down a modifier, select a track and change any number of parameter across any track. So each pattern can store 4 variations of the sounds across all the tracks. This would help with the lack of kits.

And to take things further, having a setting to morph between the different variations from 0-30 seconds :slight_smile:


…oooh, a morph between two different settings would be a killer modifier option…

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I have had the Syntakt for 3-4 months now and made nearly 7 full tracks on it and countless of embryos - and I have never even touched those modifiers. To me, they’re useless at the moment and I wouldn’t be surprised if most Syntakt owners feel the same. Let’s hope they turn it into something much more interesting in the future! I could think of so many use cases:

  • Scatter-like effects a la MC-101/707 that basically become performance macros that affect each channel individually. Perhaps it could be realized in some ctrl+all macros? So you basically hold down M3 and it performs a predefined ctrl+all twist on predefined parameters. That would be kind of neat.
  • 4 more midi channels would be nice as an option.
  • Trigless modifiers of certain parameters of the track sound. For example, hold down M4 and the active track sound changes pitch/decay/reverb send/etc on the currently playing pattern sequence.
  • Another MC-101 borrow: Random or reverse or inverse playback orders of the track’s sequence. For example, hold down M2 and it plays back that track in reverse, or hold down M3 to play it back in random order. (Also hold down TRK to have this affect all tracks.)
  • Live transpose: hold down e.g. M1 and it transposes the track up one octave (or down 7 seminotes, or however you configured it). Also hold down TRK to have this affect all tracks.

I get the impression, that after DT and DN some folks at Elektron felt they made them too simple. As a result global option for send fx was introduced, second lfo for DT and on the Syntakt the modifiers seem like an attempt to get some scene/macro functionality back.
They also gave the Syntakt a master track (highly appreciated btw!).

Dear folks at Elektron, from my perspective you already had it with scenes/macros and kits. :slight_smile: