Anyone using modifiers?

Modifiers, On-Topic: Still haven’t used them. Well, I did a roll once.
Touch Bar, Off-Topic: Had to use a MacBook Pro recently with applications like DaVinci Resolve, i found it to be amazing.

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Yeah, I used them to test them out and really haven’t revisited them :shushing_face:

When I heard the track count I immediately thought they would be dedicated midi tracks. Then when I saw the photo of the box I thought they would be scenes. At no point did I think they would be what they are today, frankly, a useless waste of space and UI. Please make them scenes instead! That would be much more useful.



Had my Syntakt since May, and only ever touch the modifiers sometimes to audition a sound while tweaking it.

Really hoping for an update that makes them useful for live effects like beat repeat and scenes.


As is, I wouldn’t call them Modifiers, but modified triggers which cut the existing trigs. At least, they should be quantized.

Still have hope to use these Modifiers in order to modify tracks / trigs parameters, eventually controlling existing Modulations (btw there is no Control All on them without external midi trickery).

Out of curiosity, I read through this entire thread. It looks like there’s at least one person here who has actually used them in a live performance. But everyone seems to agree they’re currently underwhelming.

This is the logical conclusion, yeah. Given Elektron’s track record of adding incremental value and features over time, it’s only a matter of… time. :blush:

What’s a bit surprising though is that it’s almost been a year since the launch and they still haven’t made it more useful. It seems like the least developed feature of the Syntakt so I speculate that this is the next major update from Elektron.


Time will tell. :content:


I once put trig mod A to “tune” and then adjusted the values to make each key a note value (like, Bb, C, D, Eb or something) in order to add ad lib notes to a bass line from the mutes page, but mostly just to see if it was possible. That was before song mode made it easier to stray from the mutes page…

I too wish they could figure out a way to do some kind of scene functionality with them. (Possibly by making them truly trigless, so that a sequence would play through a trig mod, and adding MW/PB/AT/BC macros as targets? I’ve also like the idea of holding a trig and adding p locks above…)

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Agree with several folks here. Scenes would be great. I checked out the modifiers on day one or two and haven’t thought about them since

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Like retrigs on the AR…Now I’m wondering if someone at Elektron maybe is allergic to quantization? Would make sense they limit their exposure. :thinking:

I use modifiers to enter “four levels” of velocity for hihats sometimes when playing them in.

I too wish there was something implemented that was more usable in general.

We’ll see. Octatrack have a few quantized playback settings.

They could be Midi tracks 1-4 as well. They are even labeled correctly: M1-M4 :slight_smile: I don’t find the modifiers useful at all for now.

On the other side, if the modifiers could be like scenes on Rytm or on the Octatrack with multiple parameters locked, this would be really useful musically!