Anyone using Overbridge only, no analog mixer?

I don’t have enough inputs in my little K-Mix mixer, and usually whenever I’m using my Digitakt etc, I’m at the computer anyway.

Does anyone just run USB cables from their devices and run them into Ableton with Overbridge? And then monitor via the computer’s audio out?

Do you like the setup? Pros/cons?

I do. If I don’t feel like having Ableton running I just use the A4>AR which costs one input. I have plenty of inputs but I prefer Overbridge

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So when you’re not running Ableton, you run audio cables from the A4 to the AR, and connect the AR to the mixer?

Yep, do this all the time. I rarely use the analog outs anymore. Mostly just use Overbridge.

Pros: less cables. Cons: Your computer needs to be on and ready.

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Overbridge with the No Sync option. I’m also using the Inputs of DT, DN, A4 and AR for my other Synths via OB.


What about sending audio to the Digitakt for sampling?

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Pros: don’t need a mixer or an interface
Cons: Only Elektron devices, Overbridge is still a buggy mess

Yeah thats an awesome way to do it.

Why no sync tho? Just curious.

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I also have my Elektrons (Rytm, DN, heat) all OB with no sync, my reason being sometimes I like to pause the sequencer and have fx fade into a new section before hitting play again.

Everything is synced with MIDI cables and I want to control Transport from my Master device (DT in my case).

Ah ok. So when you record into your Daw you are not worried about time aligning to the DAW, and more about capturing the performance and then editing it in the DAW later? I have seen others do it this way and always wondered about it.

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Exactly. Match DAW BPM with Master device. For me, it’s the best way.


I don’t think there are cons to using OB honestly…

I think it’s the best way to record audio out of my DT and DN (and to save inputs on my audio interface!); it allows multitrack recording, without that I would probably use my machines way differently. I love that I can think of every single DT/DN track as its own thing and use them for completely different type of sounds!

Also, it opens up infinite possibilities in terms of modulations, which allows for deeper sound design and gives more flexibility in terms of performance.

I don’t have an audio interface and never had, so sometimes I seriously consider getting back a Digitone just to run non-Overbridge synths in and not have to research what audio interface to get and learn how to use one.

A second hand Digitone is an expensive interface but you get four free synths…

More on-topic: Until now my biggest reason not to is that hardware send-return fx is too essential of how I like to make music.

I just hooked up my Eventide H9 into an FX loop in my mixer. Now I can use it as a send-return in Ableton, including for Overbridge. If I route it right, I can even resample back into, say, Octatrack.

One thing I’ve realized is that I still have to send audio out to the Digitakt via analog cables.

If you have more than one Elektron box, you could also daisy-chain this send signal via your now-unused analog outs. Eg. Ableton>USB interface>Digitone>Digitakt. Both DN and DK would also be connected via OB.

That would also let you use the DN’s overdrive on the Digitakt.

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Oh wow I hadn’t realized but when using OB you can of course route back audio too - and then use the audio outs as send - this is what your saying right? That’s a good thing to point out indeed @Mistercharlie

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. Works great!

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