Aphex Twin recommendations?

Nice tidbits on her relationship to his music. If she brings to climate collapse what he brought to music well all be better for it.

I’ve been listening to RDJ. Again. Still miraculous.


We are saved !


So seems our boy has made it: Alberto Balsam is trending on TikTok with this…term that I don’t really understand, “skinwalker stare”.


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Underrated afx track


This might be some interest here:


amazing track

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Agreed, that section in the middle where those little airy synth chords appear and the bass starts riffing a lead part off of them is just gorgeous

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is this the one that calls luke vibert; luke philpot

and has a section on his refusal to sample without acknowledging Xtal is based around a sample.

That quote from 1992 is surprising indeed.
But I guess Richard told a lot of :poop: in the 90’s :sweat_smile:
He seems he had quite an ego at that time.

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More critical of the documentary research than the lying ginger kids hijinx

Ya that docu is just someone researching shit online. It’s a big :-1:t6:

@LyingDalai ya AFX seems to only tell truths about 40% of the time. I think it’s a great way to preserve anonymity while being in the public eye.

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Somehow missed this amazing track


@Unifono Great one! Didn’t know it neither, thanks for posting. Limited vinyl for sale on a concert? I didn’t know they did that… Seems quite a fantastic thing to do, but all I imagine is the ridiculous 2nd hand prices and the amount of discs* never touching a needle because of it.


Can you call vinyl discs in English?

How about the ending section of the track? I have mixed feelings about it, kinda seems like it just went out of gas… And I doubt it’s that last boring section usually found in commercial techno for DJs to be able to mindlessly mix it in sets

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Watched the doc and although flawed, took me back to my teenage days seeing all those clips and seeing what was popping off during his releases. I also really respect his ability to not fall into the pop pit that a lot of producers did by doing songs with well known artists and helps me appreciate all the others who told Madonna to fuck off a little more. They understood the dramatic change it would bring to their lives and no amount of money was going to corupt their outlook. I especially like the story of RDJ telling the record company who asked where in the track was the original Lemonheads song to which he replied that he sped it up and used it as a snare. The best part of the whole video was a comment someone put. And I quote Hoonbaba Woods…
“Everytime I hear Richard’s music in all it’s forms I am overwhelmed by a feeling I can only describe as nostalgia. It’s not that, and it is. At one point in my life I owned everything I could from him, singles, records, cassettes, cds, mp3s, from all his monikers. It changed the way I viewed life, the way I viewed myself. It was more than “what a brilliant song”, it was like listening to someone speak to you in another language and yet somehow you understood on some primitive collective conscious level. Maybe this is too heady of a response for a youtube comment, but I thank you for leading me down this rabbit hole again so many years later, and revisit these emotions I’ve long connected to Richard’s music.”

I felt that. I vividly remember sitting in my room, starring at the wall listening to SAW 1 and 2 and just having an existential journey. It was the earliest I can remeber doing that, and I’ll forever be greatful for those two albums being apart of my early life.

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Hey all, quite some times I get the comment on my jams that it sounds like “early Aphex Twin”. Since I’m actually not that familiar with him, how should I interpret those comments? Especially the “early”/“old” part.


Apart from that, I think it gives me a bit of the direction that I’d rather sound like “future Aphex Twin not invented yet” or even better “future Jeanne” :wink:


Early AFX is top and sounds every bit as excellent now as it did then, it’s a nice compliment imo.

Future Jeanne would make a great album title :slight_smile:

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From comments I’ve heard and seen from Aphex Twin listeners, it’s a good thing to remind them of the earlier works.

Also I wouldn’t worry about what your music reminds other of. As long its not the same, then don’t give it more than a passing thought. Otherwise the music process indirectly becomes making music for others. So just be Jeanne.


Bucephalus Bouncing Ball https://g.co/kgs/hyhGKC