Apply LFO on a part of sound?

Hi, dear electronauts) Do you know any possibilities to make sound apply LFO(frequency for example) at the end of the sound or after some time? Or at some part of it? To make sound like vibrate only on part of it.
If you know another way or how to do with lfo please help)

P.S. Now I found way to manually start applying LFO depth by turning the lever.

P-Lock it at the desired step?

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Function+trig = trigless lock, it will lock a parameter without playing a note.

You can also fade in the LFO on the LFO page.


The fade paramater on the LFO page is indeed great for this. Make sure the LFO is set to a trigger mode. In free and hold modes fade does not work since the LFO doesn’t receive a trigger which would reset the fade in or out.


That’s some quality information I wasn’t aware of! Thanks!!

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@aid this what you’re looking for!


Awesome, thx a lot!

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I try to add a fade.
It works nice but looks like a fade start to apply immediately on trig when it starts to play.
And I still can’t understand how to apply LFO on the end of a sound.

I mean the note starts on the first trig and plays till the second page and I want to apply LFO only on the last 4 ticks(trigs) on the first page.
Do you know how to do that?

  • set the lfo depth to 0
  • hold func and tap the trig you want to start the lfo (adds yellow trig)
  • hold yellow trig while turning the lfo depth to desired setting

if you want the lfo to stop on page 2, add another yellow trig on step 1, hold it while setting its depth to 0.


Now it’s absolutely clear.
Thank you very very much)


And I understand what you talk about)