AR Banks: changes on one Bank overrides all banks

Hi there, I’m new to the Analog Rytm and have encountered an issue. When I change a track on Bank A, it seems to override my other banks. This is quite frustrating, as I’ve spent hours working on one bank only to discover that it has overwritten the others. On other devices, like the Octatrack, banks are independent, so changes in parameters don’t affect other banks. Is it possible to achieve this on the Analog Rytm through some setting?

Are you talking about kits? The AR has kits, and if you are using the same kit in other patterns then yes the changes will carry over. You have to save a copy of the kit and edit then copy, then assign that kit to the pattern.

With RYTM, all Banks are separate and as far as I understand, they just offer additional slots to hold patterns. RYTM uses Kits, which is somewhat like Octa’s Parts. The Scene and Performance macros are like Octa’s Scenes.

As the above commenter mentioned, you need to save each pattern with a particular kit assigned. When each pattern has a separate kit, you could accomplish what you’re looking to do. Also, look up Tabula Rasa on this forum.

One other thing to know which is somewhat related to this: There is also a kit reload on pattern change option in the settings that will force the kits to be in their saved state when switching to a different pattern, if you prefer.

Thanks for the clarification

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