AR mk1 won't connect to Transfer or Overbridge via USB - Device Malfunction / Descriptor Request Failed

Hi –

My Analog Rytm MkI will not connect to my computer via USB. I have updated to OS v1.50A (I also have Overbridge v2.0.31.1 Beta, as well as Transfer v1.2.2.9).

  • Running Windows 10 Home version 1909
  • When in USB-MIDI mode in MIDI Config, it does not show up as a MIDI port in Transfer. I am able to update the OS via OS Upgrade Mode and using my audio interface’s MIDI ports for the SysEx transfer, though I have not been able to connect to the device via Transfer for sample transferring (via the AR’s MIDI In/Out connected to the interface’s Out/In).
  • When in Overbridge Mode in MIDI config, the standard “No Elektron Overbridge Device is currently connected” page is displayed.
  • Does not matter which port I try plugging in to, restarting my computer, switching to overbridge mode once the AR is already connected, restarting the AR , different cables etc.
  • When I first plug the AR into a USB port, I get a notification saying the last USB device malfunctioned. Clicking the notification shows this error message - “device descriptor request failed”:
  • Going into device manager and revealing hidden devices shows this failure:
  • I’ve confirmed that that is the error associated with the AR not connecting by uninstalling that device, unplugging and reconnecting the AR, and then that same faulty device returns.
  • Showing that device’s properties and events shows more details about the failure, happy to provide if that seems useful.
  • I have not been able to locate any sort of drivers for the Analog Rytm

Has anyone else had this issue with an AR? The closest scenario I have been able to find to my issue has been this, which indicates I might be S.o.L. I got this used a few years ago (everything else works fine).

Any suggestions or ideas? Anywhere I can directly download the drivers?