Are A4 sound settings global?

Maybe Im missing something but here goes. For example I have 2 patterns, pattern one has been copied and pasted as pattern 2 and so on. Problem is that when I modify a sound on pattern 2 this is also reflected on pattern 1 as though the change is global. I can get round this by using trig locks but coming from the DT/DN it seems a bit weird that this happens to the sound across all patterns rather than just the pattern the sound was altered on.

Am I missing something or is this how the A4 works?

Look up Kits in the manual … you need to copy/paste that Kit when you don’t want that to happen


The A4 (and AR) have a concept called Kits. Which can be confusing at first, but is really nice if you want consistent sounds across patterns and still keep your original preset. So when creating a new pattern that’s got nothing to do with your previous pattern using the same sound(s) be sure to also create a new Kit. That way changes to your tracks will not affect other patterns (unless you assign them that Kit).

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Hmmh, this is good to know. I haven’t run into any overt troubles while learning the A4, but this is something that would have gotten me at some point.

Thanks. I understand it a bit better now. I hope. Using Overbridge as the interface for this type of thing is a lot more straightforward,

it’s a speciality of Elektron :sweat_smile: first think then turn knobs after you’ve switched patterns

This now makes 100% sense.