Are different track same setting LFO's sync'd together in Free mode?

I want to simply have an LFO on one channel going up and down in volume over a long period of time, and the exact same LFO on another track going in the opposite direction. I thought it would be as setting one of them to have 180 degree phase (a number of 64 as specified by the manual) but they aren’t going in opposite direction still (they aren’t following the exact same path now, but it seems like they don’t have the same reference point or something)

What’s going on here and how can I do what I’m after?

If you haven’t already, on the TRIG page P-Lock LFO Trig to On to reset the start phase of the Free LFO. This should cause it to reset to the position you have it set for Start Phase/SPH on the LFO page. You’ll want to leave the setting Off for the sound on the track otherwise it’ll reset on each trig.

For a long-running LFO you only want to reset its start phase at the beginning and then let it run. One idea you can try is do the above on the first trig of a pattern (use a trigless trig if there is no note on trig 1). Then switch to another pattern after the first has completed and the Free LFO should continue indefinitely.

If you do that with both LFOs and have them moving in different directions (positive speed on one track, negative on the other track) you should get an opposite effect for whatever you’re modulating.

You absolute legend. Thank you! That’s perfect :slight_smile:

I’ve never used negative speeds on LFOs. Would that have the same effect as having one at 180 degree phase? (assuming they are the same speed of course, just one negative)