Are the DN Overbridge tracks stereo?

Does anyone use the DN and OB often enough to answer?

I’ve used a few other devices through OB and I get that you kind of have to give up pan parameter locking and LFO tricks but it would be harder to make sense of getting rid of the unison mode on the Digitone.

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Don’t know about Overbridge but when I expose the tracks over USB each uses 2 channels for stereo.



Oooh that’s great. Thanks bud.

I had some plans for some heavily unisoned plops and thwaps.

I wonder if this also means you can make use of parameter and LFO control over pan? It should on paper.

Audio rate LFOs on pan do some wacky things sometimes. I’m stoked to see if I can still access that stuff through a proper OB setup. If this is true, I think it’s the only OB device that has access to these.

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Just a confirmation for anyone from the future.

Along with other stereo functions, like unison, panning settings (including plocked or modulated) do carry over through Overbridge.

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You talk for the Digitone only, right?
Or has it be corrected on Digitakt?

Yeah only Digitone as far as I’m aware.

It’s not really something that can be corrected on DT in my view.

Digitone has only 4 (x2) tracks so I imagine it’s much less load on the USB hub to double those. Not to mention it relies more heavily on

Digitakt would have you at 8(x2), plus the main outs and inputs. So 20 tracks streaming over USB.

That’s what I thought.