Are there any glitchy limitations to Ram sampling?

I bought a used MDUW off eBay, and all the synths work splendidly. Had to do one Hard reset at one point, but other than that, fine.

However, I wanted to expand my exploration or what this machine can do. I plugged my iPod through aux/stereo 1/8s. and when I try to get it to play and rearrange live it just blasts crazy feedback stops working in any other way.

I figure I probably got a bum deal on this thing, but I thought I’d check here and see if maybe I’m going about this wrong.

thank you

Crazy Feedback can easily happen - it’s noted in the manual somewhere - it’s to do with the levels in your ram recorder/players r1/p1 - try just fiddling with the levels - sounds like you have the internal (main out resample) level turned up - which you don’t necessarily want when sampling from the inputs.

I don’t know the exact param names but you can download the manual from Elektron -check the machine appendix at the back for the record/playback machines.

a related possibility: you may have both the ram record and ram play tracks active simultaneously. often this leads to feedback while you’re learning. try muting the record track before allowing the play track to sound, see if that helps.

on the ram rec check that cues are at 0 value.

check also your input, check that you are not triggering the record every time
with a trig on the ram play. this is because you are recording everything again.

mute tracks that you are not using until you need them…

mm the guys above offered a good solution. I use a lot of feedback in my uw. i luv dat.

I wouldn’t say it’s feedback, like, a sort of building echo loop, but it’s a digital buzz and all the buttons stop working and the only way to correct it is to turn it off and on again.

I’ll try all those things, and I appreciate your replies.

However, it seems odd to me. Like the machine shouldn’t just brick up like that.

There are many possible settings that could be making this happen. If it were me, I would hold down the Function key while turning on the machine. Then I would select Factory Reset or Empty Reset.

After that, search one of the many threads that explain RAM resampling with the MDUW and give it a try.