Are there optimal settings for internal resampling?

Whenever I’m using the internal RAM resampling, it always seems to sound terrible. Especially when I’m moving between the original and the resampled version within a couple patterns or the same pattern. There always seems to be something lost in the sound.

The manual says that the quality can be lower if your sample memory is running out… But I don’t have any samples loading on the ROM slots right now.

Any ideas/tips?

I expect you’ve already read the RAM machines tutorial in the manual … but in case you haven’t, start there and use the settings it indicates.

FWIW, I have found some internal sounds are better suited for loopmaking than others. It could be my own ears or tastes of course, but I don’t have as much success with reproducing low frequencies or very high ones. (I’ve always assumed this is because of the machines’ 12-bit nature.) Top rhythms with lots of hats and cymbals seem to work well for me, as does more midrange melodic material with lots of frequency content.

After you’ve got a loop recorded:

I’ve found I get better (and often louder) results if I use two RAM play machines to reproduce the loop. Set them up to play in pseudo-stereo (one panned maybe +7 R, the other -7 L or so).

Also, try exploring the filter and EQ settings on both machines: Maybe HPF them a bit and/or emphasize some higher frequencies with the EQ and filter Q to mix them in with your MD’s other tracks.

Hope this helps.

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That’s kind of how I’ve got it setup right now. Two RAM play machines hard-panned to either side and routed to direct outs instead of the main outs. It was better, but not quite what I was hoping for, of course. I’ll try decreasing the width a bit and see how that goes.

As for the low freq… That’s been a lot of my big concern. My workaround thus far has been to simply layer the RAM machines with some of the other machines, which also sounds awkward. Maybe I’ll use the filter to fill out the sound without letting it overpower the resampled loop too much.

I’ll keep trying things.

Maybe try running your ROM machine through a DYNAMIX machine and adding a sub bass synth track to the composition. That will tighten the sound, and the sub will give it the ballast that 12 bit eliminates.

maybe you have to remove the trig right after been trigged, with that you dont record the loop over and over…