Are there some times when pattern clear can't/won't undo?

Last night I got a good groove going. I had some tracks sequenced in the ST sequencer, and also was sending notes from an external sequencer.

I had hit the point where I had the sequence just where I wanted it, so I could “vamp” over it on one final track. For giggles, I recorded a little bit of that vamp onto track 7, but decided I didn’t want to keep what I’d recorded. I hit FUNC-PLAY to clear the track but cleared the pattern/sequence by accident (as usual, I do this 4-out-of-5 times), but this time I could not just hit the same combo again to UNDO. I hadn’t saved at all, so my pattern/sequence was gone. (I need to get more comfortable with the different methods of saving: temp save, save to project, and save project).

Has anybody seen any other cases where this “press again to undo” combo does nothing? I wondered if it was because I had notes coming in from an external sequencer … but I think this had been the case for most of the time I was working with this pattern/sequence, and I know I did undo clears earlier without trouble.

(Sorry for calling it a "pattern/sequence’ – I notice that when I clear it with FUNC-PLAY, the display calls it a “sequence,” but when I UNDO, the display calls it a “pattern.”)

that’s something you could establish with a short controlled test … my understanding is that the undo must immediately follow the inadvertent/unwanted clear - having other sequencer events in between might just scupper that ability … seems plausible, never had that happen … if it wasn’t like a sauna in my place right now i might have switched something on to try out of curiosity

Sorry to hear of the mandatory sauna season. Gotta keep those beads of sweat from dripping into the warm electronics.

I was pretty sure that I had, during this session, used the UNDO while notes were coming in, previously, with no issue. Of course, maybe that’s untrue … maybe the sequencer was stopped those previous times, so no notes were coming in.

I was not in a mood to do any experiments/research after I lost my pattern and hadn’t been recording the audio. My fault, of course. I’ve cooled down a bit now and may try.

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