Are these free Machinedrum samples from Elektron still available?

The article is from 2010. It seems Elektron released 500 royalty-free samples, for free, to use on the Machinedrum.

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Wayback Machine shows the links, but unfortunately doesn’t have the actual files for them like they sometimes do. :frowning:

Maybe knowing the exact file names will help you track them down though.

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I would definitely be interested in hearing these

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All 7 are in the Elektron shop for free

Go to sound packs and filter by machinedrum uw.


Were you able to use any of the samples in the MD packs from the shop?

I have used brian3kb’s DigiChain app to extract the wav files from the original packs.

You can download them here.


i’m suddenly interested in the original preset patterns pre UW. were they different? can anyone export to syx?

I didn’t realize those were the very same samples, thanks for posting!

Amazing! Very helpful, thank you

They’re actually available as a Sysex file on Elektron’s support page. Coincidentally, I just made a video showcasing the original MD preset patterns last week: Elektron Machinedrum - Factory Patterns - YouTube


It was this post that actually gave me the idea to make DigiChain after I saw the packs in the Elektron shop! I wanted to batch convert those sysex samples to wav, but couldn’t find anything that could do it that wasn’t a manual file-by-file process.