ARLab#2 Sample Layering

Here are the rules,

  1. Download 909 sample pack from here, I selected some free 909 samples from Wave Alchemy. There are 11 samples altogether representing each sound on the 909.
  2. All drum sounds in your track must be layered with one of these 909 samples and internal AR drum synthesis
  3. For the synth sounds, you may use a sample from the sample pack and/or AR internal synthesis
  4. Only the AR and it’s built in effects can be used, no other external processing

The objective is to explore what you can do with sample layering, personally sample layering is new to me so it should be fun.

Here you go, my first attempt. Merry X’mas!

that’s nice! makes me think a bit of mr. james :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
will try and give it a go as well, merry christmas :slight_smile:

Mr. James? Who?