ARMK2 Is not saving my Drum Kit sounds

Hello all, Just got a new ARmk2 and the device is not saving my drum kit sounds, I am saving my project after all major changes and saving my patterns. If I power off for a short time (1-5 Minutes) the drum kit keeps the sounds, but if I power off overnight for several hours, the next day, when I power on all of my drum kit sounds are gone, and the drum kit is back to the default. Am I missing something? anyone else encounter this?

I’ve not encountered this.

The Rytm (and the Four) have have a quirky auto-save behaviour. If you make changes to a Kit, and then move on to another Kit, without saving the first one, the auto-save process kinda “forgets” that you made changes to the first Kit, and only auto-saves the most recently used one, when you switch off (and possibly when you save or change projects, too - my memory’s foggy…)

So, if you’re hopping around from Kit to Kit a lot, it’s wise to save the Kits as you go (probably more important than saving the project, if you’re only working on one project per session). Hold [YES] and tap [KIT], or [FUNC] and [TRK/SAVE KIT] to bring up the Save Kit/Kit list page. Select a slot using the [UP/DOWN] or (TRACK LEVEL) controls. Hit [YES] to pick it and go on to the Kit naming page. If you’ve saved the Kit before, it’ll provide the existing name already.

Hope that helps.

PS Welcome to the forum!


Thanks for the welcome and the reply! that is very quirky behavior, I would expect that saving the project would save all the changes you’ve made including the drum kits, otherwise, what is the point of saving the project if you have to save each component of the project separately? I will try saving the kit after each change.

I’ve also noticed that the patterns all use the same drum kit? so if I make a change in one pattern for example changing the cowbell to a different sound, and switch to a different pattern it’s using the same kit with the new sound in the cowbell slot, does that seem right? The Preset patterns from the factory don’t seem to do that, I’ll have to dig into those a little more.

I am upgrading from a Model:Cycles, which saves your work as you go and each pattern has unique sounds, Maybe because it’s digital it makes the save functions a little easier? I don’t know. I digress. thanks for the reply!

Ok so yeah the presets are all using unique kits, I see that now. Just little different way to approach using the machine than M:C

Changing to a new, untouched, Pattern temporarily associates the Kit from the previous Pattern with the new one. Think of it like the default workflow assuming a song made of Patterns, sharing sounds. Certain actions fix this temporary Kit-Pattern association: saving a kit, loading a kit, changing to a new Pattern. If you want to make changes to sounds and have them NOT apply to the Kit, save a new one.

Each Project has 128 Kit slots, matching the number of possible Patterns. You can replicate the Model and Digi kit-per-Pattern method, but you have to choose to do this, by saving Kits.