ARmkII NOT = 0 is f-sharp?

I’m looking at factory preset A13. For track 1, page 1, trig 1, the NOT value is “-17,” which is a c-sharp. On the TRIG page, if I change that NOT value to zero (0), it is an f-sharp. These are certainly 17 semi-tones apart, so good on that, but I’m just a little puzzled…why did they choose f-sharp, rather than middle C for the “zero” note? Or (more likely), how am I misunderstanding things? Thanks!


Because it’s a drum voice that sounded fine at those settings. Subsequent additional machines did adhere to the philosophy you mention possibly because of a bit of public feedback (there’ll be a number of topics from Mk 1 days). So you’d be able to determine which machines are designed to be compliant with this expectation.


That makes sense. My only reason for complaining is that it makes editing notes a bit of a calculation.

Just use a tuner. I plug mine into the out of the drum.

Most drum machine kicks like the 808 and 909 are tuned to around G# as well.

The bass oscillator on the rytm wavers around in its tuning at times so I always have the tuner around just to verify it.