
On Octatrack mk2
I can play the arpeggiator as long as I hold down a trig key but it won’t when I press the play button. Someone else had the same problem in the forum and got an answer but wasn’t clear on what the answer was. I am new to the octatrack.

your question is light on details, but if you want to have a played back sequence that sounds like you get when you play and hold the notes

then all you need to do is ensure you are setting a play trig of appropriate length (more than 1 step presumably) and that you also assign notes to be arpeggiated to taste …

a bit more context might get you a more helpful reply, but that’s what comes to mind … set the trig length longer !

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Yeah, I reread the thread and I see that the length needs to be set to 1/1. I was trying to delete the request but I didn’t before I wasted someone’s time. Sorry about that.

The manual is very vague about the length. I assumed the length was set when I set the arp to however many steps. It’s confusing because the length is set up in 2 places. They should have made it a point to highlight that in the manual. It makes no sense that you have to understand the unit before you can understand the manual. You’re supposed to be able to understand the unit because of the manual, not in spite of it.

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I find the arp SPD description in the manual particularly amusing. They literally made me do algebra to figure out how that value relates to actual speed :laughing: I ended up with the impression that SPD is maybe in clock ticks or something like that. I’m still unsure, but I love that arpeggiator.

I’m cool with the manual, but maybe it’s because I’ve gotten to know the instrument pretty well at this point. It took a little more time than some other instruments, but was worth the journey

Yeah, I hear you. The machine can do so much that I guess to make it as detailed as I need it to be, it would have to be 3 times as thick. It’s a different language. There’s a lot to be translated. Even though I got it to work, I still don’t understand what that length box means.
1/1 tells me nothing. I am one of those people that needs everything spelled out. I don’t even like abbreviations. I seldom know what they stand for.

Too many years of playing Street Fighter tell me SPD = spinning pile driver and nothing else! :upside_down_face:

If you’re reading the manual and it doesn’t make sense, a good alternative is to search this section of the forum. There are years and years of people asking questions and getting answers in plain English. It’s very likely most your questions have been answered here and you won’t even need to start a new thread. It’s a good resource!

Yes, I did look here first but I missed the answer because I didn’t know what 1/1 meant. Most people have the ability to read between the lines but I am not one of them. Once I reread the thread and figured it out, I tried to delete the request before I waisted anybody’s time but the server said that I couldn’t at this time. I’ve seen the abuse people get for asking what are considered dumb questions so I tried to stay clear of said abuse. I am going to delete this thread as soon as the server allows me to because this question has already been answered.