Arranger - Loop multiple rows?

I tried searching but perhaps I don’t know the terms that are needed. Basically I have two patterns that make up the chorus of a song, a01 & a02. Id was hoping i could set a loop that would play a01->a02 and then back to a01->a02 a second time, but I’m not finding how i can select multiple rows.

Thanks in advance.

Just do it row by row, no?

You set a LOOP row after a02 and in that row set the first value to a01 (the start).

It says in the manual but doesn’t mention how to set the start of the loop.

I sure would love some videos on the Arranger…

Anfim - Yes I was placing the patterns row by row like you suggested, that does work. I guess I just like the idea of iterating through loops.

Colaba - Thank you very much, that was the information I was looking for.

Now onto using the Jump command :slight_smile:


Another nice thing with looping rows is when combining that with start + length. If you have the grid sequencer (ie 64 steps) filled with a alternating rhythmfigure. You´d then be able to repeat specific sections of this and thus making up new rhythms just by setting different Arranger start and length and looping the row.

On top of that, you can have different scenes tied to A and B in each specific row. So even short snippets that are repeated as abovementioned, have a lot of variations available.

Now that sounded a bit like an Science Lab didn´t it:
Use one step in the grid sequencer and utilize the Arranger to its(/your) fullest potential.

mind blown

An example, just to illustrate:

Got it a bit mixed up regarding the steps (science), minimum steps in the grid sequencer is 2.

In this example there are 16 steps, 3 tracks (kick, snare and hihat).

The Arranger has 7 rows arranged as below:

000 A01: Rep 2: 000-016
001 A01: Rep 4: 001-004
002 A01: Rep 2: 001-004
003 A01: Rep 2: 003-003
004 A01: Rep 4: 005-003
005 A01: Rep 2: 005-006
006 A01: Rep 4: 006-008
007 A01: Rep 4: 000-016

One thing to keep in mind though is that Arranger affects all tracks.

It´s fairly easy to make drumrhythm figures. It´s equally easy to get lost in where you ‘are’ and which trigs that will be hit.

So if there are other kind of sounds/tracks, one have to keep an eye/ear of how an re-arranging in the Arranger of this kind will sound with them too.


could u help anyone, i can’t seem to get this to work, or maybe i am not getting it, OT is a great device but i am into ambient stuff and would like to do 128 lenght patterns, so i thought maybe i could go around it with arranger - setting up pattern a01 next a02 and make them loop as long as possible so i could work on those 2 patterns, is it possible ? i’ ve read here above i think an explanation how to set this up but i cant seem to get it "you set LOOP - how do you do that in the arranger .
Anyone’s answer would be a great help…or advice how to make long patterns


could u help anyone, i can’t seem to get this to work, or maybe i am not getting it, OT is a great device but i am into ambient stuff and would like to do 128 lenght patterns, so i thought maybe i could go around it with arranger - setting up pattern a01 next a02 and make them loop as long as possible so i could work on those 2 patterns, is it possible ? i’ ve read here above i think an explanation how to set this up but i cant seem to get it "you set LOOP - how do you do that in the arranger .
Anyone’s answer would be a great help…or advice how to make long patterns
You might find Pattern Chaining is a better solution for this way of working. P78 in the manual.

You can use pattern chaining to loop a sequence of patterns. It is only possible to chain patterns located in the same bank, and a chain can not contain the same pattern twice.

Chain patterns by pressing and holding the [PATTERN] button and then press and hold the [TRIG] keys in the same order as you want the chained patterns to play. Chaining is indicated by a double arrow between the current pattern and the pattern that will play next.

Several patterns can be chained. Pressing [STOP] while a pattern chain is playing will stop playback and reset the pattern chain. Next time [PLAY] is pressed the pattern chain will start playing from the beginning. If [STOP] has been pressed, pressing [STOP] again will unlink all patterns in the chain.

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