Artist Inspired Studio Setups

Over the last week, I have been studying the the “Jeff Mills Exhibitionist 2 Studio Mix” video on YouTube:

I have seen the video many times in the past, but it never gets old.

Jeff was a major influence on me, as well as most others in the 80’s, in becoming a mix and club DJ in the metro Detroit area. That said, I am always setting up new studio configurations, and wanted to give my take on Jeff’s on-the-floor Exhibitionist setup in the video. Below is a comparison I put together with the spare studio equipment I had available:

The Peak just arrived a few days ago, I am still going through its learning curve. It might get swapped for my Korg Minilogue XD, until I am more familiar with it. In addition, the SQUID might get replaced by my Octatrack MKII. I have not used the SQUID in a while, and decided to use it for now. Two effect units and a bus compressor will also be connected to the mixer. Overall, it should be a fun weekend after all the devices are connected later today.

I am curious if others have experimented with a studio setup based on one of their favorite artists, and how did you like it.


I think there’s a lot of us (myself very much included) that find a lot of inspiration in Surgeon’s various live performance setups and his fairly minimalist approach to improvised techno.