Arturia Keystep Pro with AR

Hi all, How can I connect the AR with Keystep Pro?

Hi, what do you hope to achieve?

If you want to use the Keystep keys or sequencer into Rytm, you can use a midi cable from KS midi out into Rytm midi in.

On the Keystep you’d select a midi channel. Rytm usually maps the 12 drum tracks to 1 - 12, or you can choose the numbering manually.

If you want clock from the Keystep or not, go to midi settings in Rytm and set clock to yes or no, same goes for start-stop command, which in Rytm is called “transport”.

Hope this helps?


Thx will try

Hi, tried it without success.
Actuall I want access from KSP to all the pads on the AR.
Can you tell me exactly the setting for the KSP, I got confused with the Midi Channel and the Drum Map.
Thx :pray:t2:

If you set your KSP to send on the same channel as the Rytm’s Auto-Channel, and you play keys at the lowest octave, you should hear individual drum sounds.

By default, the auto-channel is 14, I think.

No success….another idea?

Try a different cable?

Did already, meanwhile I can start the AR by the KSP but I cannot trigger the pads via the KSP

The 12 channels midi notes are located somewhere way down on the keyboard (set to autochannel) if I remember correctly. Maybe transpose all the way down?