Arturia keystep pro


I thought Loopop’s suggestion, complete with the 18th century key colors, a good one.

As far as operation – having multiple simultaneous arpeggiatiors will be a lot of fun.

As much I like most of the features it doesn’t support a fixed velocity just like the Keystep. Still don’t know why but knowing Arturia they probably never will as they are not that great with firmware updates.

I was really thinking about this one. But then saw them manual and for me it has to have the fixed velocity as I am not a key player. So everytime I play a chord or arp on the Keystep there are great differences with the velocity.

There are a number of things you can do to make the sounds you play and the MIDI events you record not respond to velocity, despite the keyboard. Just saying…


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I know but then you should turn of the velocity on the synth or drum it self. That is not what I want. I want the notes to be played by the keys always at a fixed velocity. So they are entered by a value of sag 100 in the sequencer. And then I can change the value afterwards in the sequencer.

If I turn the value off on the synth or drum. Yes the playback will be with no velocity. But the notes are recorded in the sequencer with velocity data. So when I turn on the velocity on the device I need to adjust everything. By ear it is way better to have it fixed and then alter it.

So yes there are ways but that is a “bad workflow” for me. And it is just easy to implement.

I see. I’m a player, so I don’t always think of these scenarios. Fair enough.


No problem mate!

I’ve had my eye on this and now that it’s out, I can safely declare for all those of you who care - which is all of you, admit it, you’ve been dying to know if I’m gonna go for this or not, you’ve been like “I wonder if he’s gonna get a Keystep, dayum, the wait! and the humanity” - that I
(waaait for it)
shall not buy this.

Now or ever.

Take a breather, folks. Cause now you know.



We’ll see… :wink:


The default midi mapping is perfect on the drum track to the Black box’s 16 pads. Can’t wait to get this. And with song mode using different or multiples of the same patterns in any order…great. Really wish it was 128 steps though. Will use it with my BB, Neutron, Peak, and System 1.

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DEF buying this!!! So excited about this one.

I use the Keystep in my live setup right now and it’s amazing…having FOUR sequencing lanes available on such a compact device will open up even more possibilities and control for live performance.

I’m usually not a big Arturia fan, but to me the Keystep is the most exciting mini keyboard out there AND one of the best products Arturia makes.

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You could use a midi filter, that would allow you to filter out velocity before it hits your synth.

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Sure I can, but then I can’t alter the velocity per step in the sequencer. I want to record the sequencer and the arp on they Keystep without velocity and alter it later by ear. Now it won’t let you do this. They keys are always sending velocity curves to their sequencer and arp.

If you alter the velocity later anyway, why is it important at what exact value it is recorded initially?


As i read the manual for Quick Record mode (on page 61):

The steps turn into simple on/off controls for each step. To record something in a step just hold the step and play a note or a chord. As soon as you lift your fingers whatever you played is stored in the step. …
Tip: There’s a secret to know here: the notes you record into a step will use the current setting of the encoders. Change the encoder settings to add notes with different values.

The five encoders are: Pitch, Gate, Velocity, Time Shift, Randomness.


Arturia just released Six Tutorials: Googled-up here. (Unfortunately the presenter’s English could be better. Even the manual is a little stilted – notice the confusing use of the word “step” in two different senses, without making the difference clear, in the manual extract above. But it’s all good enough.)

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This is very tempting. Using it with 4 desktop synths is a great space saver.

Yeah – And those 4 synths could be poly-synths as well, the KSP can sequence chords.

This does sound a good! But hopefully this will work aswell in the other two recording modes. Including the Arps.

No sense for finding out any of that, for all those that have already made up their mind about this though (for or against).