Arturia keystep pro

In Loopop’s review, when he gets to the Live Record section of the video, you can see that the Keystep Pro failed to record the first note or so that he played. I saw the same bug appear somebody else’s video too.

Arturia just released Firmware Update 1.3. Hopefully that bug was fixed

I was not able to get the metronome to count in?! What do I miss?! No matter what I set.

EDIT: Stupid me! It of course only count in while recording…

I purchased a Keystep Pro when it was first released, and just took it out of the box today. I absolutely love the workflow, and plan to use it for a minimal alternative setup. Overall, it is so intuitive.

I hope Arturia manufactures a full size 49 or 61 key version with 8 sequencer tracks.

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For people owning [Akai Force]:
If owning the Force, will Keystep Pro sequencing bring anything worth to the table or it’s no point in acquiring it?

Does the keystep pro have one of those transparent films on the screen that you’re supposed to pull off?

It doesn’t seem to pull up at the corners so maybe it doesn’t… but I feel like it has one and I want to pull it off.


Anything like this on the market with full size keys?

I tried the SL MK3 but that didn’t work for me. Using the Launchpad Pro MK3 at the moment but I feel It’s time to ditch it for something else.

Minikeys are usually a deal breaker for me, but the Keystep Pro does offer other features I like.
Too bad their products are always a bug fest nightmare released 2 years too soon.
So I’m not really excited getting it but I can’t find something similar on the market.

Will it ever see another update or is the current state of the KSP the best we get?

Also is there a company that sells sticker overlays for the KSP. I really dislike the white.

Loopop suggested Arturia consider an 18th Century version.

Perhaps Arturia has a black one planned? They did a regular black Keystep, right ?

You’d think other companies would make keyboard sequencer controllers too, i know there is demand for this, not everyone uses KB controllers with a DAW. Novation added a lot of advanced features to it’s Launchkey MkIII, but it’s still not quite the full deal.

EDITED — My posting got mangled somehow.

ADDED: Loopop in another video has speculated about a sequencer function in the Launchkey MkIII. See my post about that. That might be an option for a smaller, full sized keys controller — it comes in 25, 37, 49, and 61 key versions, and is quite inexpensive. We’ll see if Novation ever adds sequencer functionality to the LK3.

I think the SL Mk3 is the closest to it. What did you not like about it?

You could always consider the two Elektron keyboards in this class, the AK and the DNK.

Plus, darn it, they come with some great synths built in.


I thought it was a huge controller with a lot of wasted space.
Got a KSP shipping as we speak. Next up, finding that sticker overlay!

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I wanna see Novation put displays on their Circuits and Launchpad Pro but that’s never gonna happen. Or LEDs around the endless encoders, Or maybe they could… no nevermind they never do what I want. :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw this wooden case for the Keystep Pro.
Seems like a nice idea keeping all cables out of sight.
Anyone here thought about buying/building something similar?


Wondering if an Iridium would fit nicely above the Keystep Pro.

Arturia Keystep Pro Dimensions (W x D x H)
23.2 x 8.2 x 1.5" / 58.9 x 20.8 x 3.8 c

Waldorf Iridium Dimensions (W x D x H)
17.32 x 12 x 3.34" / 440 x 305 x 85 mm

CORRECTED: Iridium dimensions

FYI- Arturia have the v2.0 firmware update on their site for download now, along with updated cheat sheets and manual. :+1:

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New features​

  • Transpose Group: Tracks can now be grouped and transposed simultaneously (Trans+Track buttons to group tracks)
  • Global Offset: It is now possible to alter the properties of all steps within a pattern.
  • (Hold Shift and turn Pitch, Gate, Velocity, Time Shift or Randomness)
  • Arp can now be recorded in the sequencer in real time
  • Chord Mode: Chords can now be recorded in the sequencer using Real Time Rec, Step Rec, Step Edit, and Quick Edit.
  • Arp can now be played when the sequencer is stopped
  • Swing can now be applied to arpeggios
  • Mono mode: Workflow has been reworked for a smoother experience.
  • Step Listen: In Step Edit / Step Rec, pressing a step button plays the step
  • (Can be enabled / disabled via Utility > Misc or MCC)
  • MIDI Thru: MIDI Out 2 can now be set to Thru mode.
  • (from Utility > MIDI Settings > MIDI Out 2 or the MCC)
  • MIDI to CV: now supports Pitch bend, Mod wheel and Aftertouch messages
  • Looper Touch Strip can now be disabled
  • (Shift + Touch Strip)
  • Sustain pedal & Hold are now taken in account when recording in real time.
  • Steps and pages can now be copied and pasted across different patterns and tracks
  • Notes Copy/Paste: Copy and paste of notes within a step has been reworked for a smoother experience
  • Reload Project saved state: Hold Project + Shift to reload the project saved state from the Flash memory
  • Drum Mute: “Shift + Drum” now quits Drum Mute mode
  • Metronome time signature is now the reference for bar size and launch quantize
  • Nudge, Invert and Rand Order functions can now be applied to Control Track
  • Pedal MMC start / stops are now supported


  • Various synchronisation improvements
  • Step Recording: Creating ties now moves the cursor to the next step on each press.
  • Chord mode: It is now possible to release Shift + Tie/Rest and keep editing the chord until all keys are released
  • Quick Edit: It is now possible to release the step and keep editing until all keys are released
  • Chains can now be created on the fly on several tracks without releasing the chain button
  • Switching between Pattern / Chain now occurs when releasing Pattern / Chain buttons.
  • Manually switching between patterns now exits Chain mode
  • Active steps now remain dim lit when holding shift for a better experience when using Nudge, Invert and Random Order functions.
  • Walk mode behavior improvement
  • Arp: velocity knob can now increase and decrease the arpeggio velocity
  • Arp Randomness range improvement
  • Arp: Keyboard now remains active when the track is muted
  • Arp: Added warning popup when reaching the maximum number of notes
  • Added a pop-up warning when trying to transpose Drum Track
  • Tap Tempo estimation improvement
  • Step Edit: Step values are preserved when going above 127 or below 0.
  • Control mode: Chords & Arps played when record is ON are now recorded on the selected background track

Bug fixes​

  • Real time recording: Held notes are no longer overwritten by notes played staccato when overdub is OFF.
  • First step gate time is now correct when slaved to Live through USB
  • First step is no longer missed on start when slaved to Ableton Live via USB
  • Velocity minimum value is now properly displayed on the LED ring
  • Chord mode: Notes above MIDI note 127 or under MIDI note 0 are now ignored
  • No more conflicts between the Looper and the Arpeggiator
  • No more conflicts between the tracks and scenes step colors when holding Scene
  • No more conflicts between the playback cursor and scenes step colors when holding Scene
  • No more conflicts between the keys LEDs when using user scales and Step Edit/Step Rec
  • Holding an empty step now shows the default note blinking
  • Enabling Step Rec now properly resets the cursor position to step 1
  • No more stuck notes when playing arpeggios and using user scales
  • Default note key LED no longer stays ON when entering another note
  • Arp no longer misses notes
  • Drum sequencer can no longer stop when switching between Mono and Poly mode
  • Key LEDs can no longer be stuck in the Drum Mute color after exiting it
  • Control Mode pattern 2 no longer creates conflicts with Drum pattern 1
  • Pattern maximum number of notes is now properly limited to 192 notes.
  • Drum sequencer no longer randomly misses some triggers upon playback
  • Velocity voltage is now properly updated when playing legato
  • No more stuck notes when transposing arpeggios
  • Creating a chord in the chord mode is now displayed on the correct octave.

I can be wrong but the Iridium is : 440 x 305 x 85 mm


Thank you, i don’t know where i got those other numbers. Apologies, i corrected the post.


Great to see this! Strange that they still haven’t sorted out a way to delete/clear chains though.