Arturia MicroFreak

Definitely need to hear Arturias side before making conclusions I think.


You guys think the micro freak would be a good beginner synth for my fiancée? She wants to learn synthesis… I’m just afraid the synthesis style(s) is a bit too complex for an absolute novice. hmmm…

Yeah, sometimes principles can be a real bummer

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RIGHT (complete sentence)

Or in Behringer’s case no problem.


This demo (leaving the other stuff aside) shows how freaking amazing this thing really is

Now - if they could just fix their hyperbole driven PR machine to tone it down plenty then I will find a way to make this mine

I care not if she doesn’t like what they’ve done with it, either the code, algorithms or packaging - but to play up the collaboration angle (especially in such a cringey tacky way 'to play with yourself is fun, but to etc etc - ffs pass the sick bag) is well out of order - but I think it was done in better faith than we imagine - it’s just that the PR guy/gal has gone full beans on the hype

if they’ve tried to make the design nod to MI, that’s flattery of sorts, but if they balls that up - well, I suppose that explains her distancing herself from it more

I think the fuss has gone a bit hyperbolic too

Playing up the collaboration is misguided at best - but it can be respun, surely

but - wow - this thing sounds amazing and it’s got a seq to be excited about by the look of it

that one demo is telling me this is a future classic - I love the look - I do despise their update tactics and hype mind you (and that piss poor video is silly) - but that’s a synth for me alright


I can’t keep up with people these days :rofl: Good to know, thanks.

I think their marketing goes through a lot of people to get approved.

You’re right, though: easy fix.


It is still a very nice synthesizer. In my setup I am using the modular more like a traditional synthesizer and struggle with storing patches (which you can´t) and to keep track of the different modes Plaits have (where MicroFreak has a display for). Paraphony is a big deal as well! It is a mystery how Arturia forgot to add CV inputs to control the parameters of Plaits (Harmonics, Timbre, Morph), this is a key feature of the MI module. The mod matrix is nice but I am not the arpeggiator or random (I need to call an exorcist right away) guy.

Oh my what a terrible terrible video from Arturia.

But I’m interested! Have been interested of getting a touch keyboard for modular and actually got a Future Retro 512, but returned it pretty fast. (super expensive for the quality)

I could find myself getting this, actually!

Because it sounded ignorant and rude.

Maybe with “i want good taste” she also refers to the look of it…
It looks pretty meh

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Maybe. But i don’t think you be open source without accepting that its going in some dudders.


From what little we know of the full story, it’s entirely possible this is a case of (cringeworthy) good-faith misunderstanding combined with (cringeworthy) lack of clear communication on the sides of both parties. Both of these things are common enough in the realm of corporate relations and neither necessarily rise to the level of major sins worthy of blackballing.

I also speculate there might be a case of Emilie (being a one-person show who works along her own timeline, at her own pace, without being beholden to multiple chains of approval or strict development roadmaps) not jiving with or being cognizant of whatever pressures and constraints Arturia had in pushing this to market in time for NAMM. there’s lots of things we don’t know, is all I’m saying.


Yeah it was posted earlier.

I think the MI collab angle could be viewed as a genuine oversight/misunderstanding for sure, and once the two parties discuss it and come to an acceptable agreement, all good.

That dreadful promo video though, unforgivable :joy:

Hey maybe that is why MI are keen to state #nocollab the pure tackiness of the video!

I’d be interested on peoples views on the Behringer Odyssey given that Behringer in their promo are calling it a tribute, I think that it is much worse personally with no chance of any reconciliation given Alan R Pearlmans recent passing…


Oh okay.

Oh for sure I wouldn’t want my name anywhere near that either.

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Sorry. TL:DR the whole thread.

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