Arturia MicroFreak

I Use a simiilar approach. Sometimes gets realy interesting if I made a patch and then switch osc type afterwards; sometimes some nice unexpected results.

Still love my microfreak, that strange little quirky thing…


I’m trying to route my microfreak into the analog heat for processing. The problem is the microfreak has mono output, so the AH receives a mono signal and outputs a mono signal too. I was expecting the signal to be doubled, since the AH effect are stereo.

Any way to do this? How should I connect the microfreak to the AH?

Maybe using a stereo to 2 mono adapter?
1 TRS to 2 TS.

You can’t do it on the Analog Heat, which expects stereo in. But the MF is improved with effects, and many effects boxes have mono in and stereo out. You can also use a mono to stereo adapter.

Is it not also a balanced (trs) mono out?

I’ve tried this, but it only works if using the phones output. On the main output the signal goes only to the right channel.

I’ve tried puting a zoom ms cdr70 between the MF and the AH with identical results.

I’m away from home right now, but I know I’ve done this with my MS-CDR70. You might need to use a stereo effect. It works with my Source Audio Collider with effects off. Can experiment later today if you wish.

Ok, let’s forget about it :sweat_smile:

Just found a cable in the patch panel wasn’t well plugged… With a TRS to 2TS cable works perfectly, as @vasidudu suggested.



I got a MicroFreak about six months ago, and was swithering as I wasn’t sure about whether or not the keybed would be any good. I’ve had trouble with touch capacitive boards in the past. It turns out it works great though. Anyway folks had asked me what I made of the MF in general, so I put together this vidya talking about the keybed, the ‘digital’ sound and the lack of effects. Maybe useful for somebody trawling forums thinking of buying one like I was a while back.


Seen a couple of your videos dude and you seem like a very nice guy, but you should consider showing more of the gear at let the audience actually hear what you are talking about. Otherwise the Videos doesn‘t make all that much sense. And you seem to have a lot of gear which you could male videos on :wink:

Solid and balanced review.


This synth looks dope
I am more in the mood for beats from it though. Can someone gimme some beats? Definitely not for sampling I promise.


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Thanks. I’ll take that under consideration. I tend to split up the review and sound demo videos, as otherwise people complain that they are too long. It’s a delicate balance to tread. :slight_smile:


Got me regretting sending mine back. Maybe I should have given it more of a chance.


Mine was mostly a stepping stone to more robust synths. You have a boatload of those, and unless you want something light and simple to tweak while sitting in a lawn chair by a brook, I can’t imagine what a MF would do for you. I’m sorry we aren’t geographically closer so that I could lend you mine for a while, just to confirm that.

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Honestly, I see it mostly as a decent little capacitive CV controller with the added bonus of some neat digital oscillators onboard.

Also, I need all the synths. All of them.


I have yet to hook it up to my new modular rig (just got around to taking dual gate/V-oct out of the Analog Four, and a SQ-1 is incoming) but, yeah, the best times I had with the MF were playing with slice and dice on arpeggiator patterns, and that applied to a heavyweight oscillator ought to be peachy.

So many synths, so few fingers.


Yeah. When I was looking at them someone else said as much. It’s almost worth it as a CV controller on its own in Eurorack prices.