Arturia MicroFreak

Another really fun video from Oscillator Sink where he uses the new firmware to turn the MicroFreak into a granular drum machine… gets into really interesting territory by the end of the video after starting with a relatively humble drum pattern. If these updates do make their way into the MiniFreak then it’ll be a question of time before I do the mental gymnastics required to justify getting one of them as a replacement for my Keystep37…


So, putting the MF into my Bluebox mixer, which I have no idea if it supports balanced input. It’s all 3.5mm jacks, where I don’t think balanced/unbalanced is even a thing (is it?)

What’s the suggestion?

Argh, why can’t it be just like normal synths

Did you try to turn up Preset Volume?

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It is not

Technically there’s no reason why not as balanced just uses TRS jacks (i.e. a stereo jack) - however a quick search seems to indicate this isn’t possible with the Bluebox - I’m assuming it would try and treat it as a stereo source! Worth double checking the manual etc.

As Jeanne mentions the preset volume is a good place to start if you haven’t already.

Can you boost the gain on the Bluebox?

Ok I’ll crank the gain up and fiddle with the preset volume.

Actually don’t think I’ve tried the MF since I got the Bluebox, as I boxed it up after giving up hope of it ever sounding good.

Anyhow still a weird decision by Arturia IMO

Actually it might be ok as on the Bluebox you can set how you want each input to be treated, mono or stereo

I’m dying to find out what happens when you turn up the preset volume.