Arturia Polybrute


Those colours, grey, black and blue/grey against that wood tone is just pig ugly to me. And that wood ribbon strip that stops instead of continuing across the synth. And those 70s tapered wooden legs, christ I’ve thrown away chairs with legs like that. Yuck!

Sure there maybe logical layout to the knobs, and it may sound great. I’m never going to buy one so I dont care, just sharing my impression.
Lots of people think it looks good, thats fine too.

Agreed. I’d take the Morphee over trad wheels as well.

I’ve seen people paint their synths and whatnot. Some of the grumpy old men on Keyboard Corner painted over the red of their Nord keyboards because they couldn’t stand the factory red. Buddy of mine (cheerful young man at the time) painted his Nord Micromodular to emulate the Eddie Van Halen 5150 striped design - I thought it looked pretty sharp.


All it really needs is a much bigger and cooler logo a la DX7, Mono/Poly or Juno-106.

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Is this the analog poly I’ve been waiting for? Time will tell…

haha i knooow! I was expecting a progressive fusion rock band to step up with 3 ballerinas in a garage with slow motion zoom ins with FEELING at any given moment for the whole video. I’m actually sad there were none!

Anyway, this poly actually looks real fun to play with. At the price point though, should this be considered an alternative to like, REV2, P6, Prologue and so on?

My only concern is the actual raw sound of the synth.


Very cool. But I’m walking away from this one. As much as I can appreciate performance and sound design tools in an awesome analogue poly, what would catch my attention now are tools for actual composition and structure - to actually write music on an instrument like this, not just play and perform it (which is cool, of course, just not what I want).

I guess the Analog Keys and Digitone Keys concept, but in an instrument I’d actually like to use.

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Agreed! They really threw everything but the kitchen sink into this synth! I’m excited for everyone whose box this checks- it looks like a lot of fun!

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Ya I prefer the endless ribbon
I have a synth with a ribbon that’s 2.5km long. Waiting for the 15km upgrade. :+1:t6:

Maybe this is it. I was already about to pull the trigger with Novatation Summit, but then this came up.

I love the playability and amount of control you have with Polybrute. And sure, it sounds really good. Only thing is holding back now is that it only have 6 voices, which is kind of bummer with chords and long evolving pads. I would pay more for atleast 8 voices. And yes, that third digital oscilator would be nice too.

I keep leaning towards an analog poly and then it seems like it’s lacking something another one has. So I research another and come to another stumbling block.

I need to explore it in my head a bit and listen to more demos, but it’s looking pretty good so far. It definitely feels 90’s Yamaha in the looks but more refined (and more controls). This isn’t a bad thing to me, it brings up good memories.

Lots of goodies coming out these days! It makes it harder to commit to one knowing what’s still available after you bring it home.
Any of these can be magic in the right hands :slight_smile:

Exactly. Especial now when you know there is a new Sequential instrument coming up soon.

Sometimes it is just better to close the internet and play what you already got :blush:


True, but who want’s to wait and always be in doubt that later something much better could show up :wink: This hunt is endless … and may get frustrating after a while …

IMO it’s better to focus on making music in the first place. But there is nothing wrong having some really missing features of the used gear in mind, watching the market, and buying only, if something decent is released to fill those gaps. But this only works, if we have an idea, what we really want.

Comparing the PB with my MB after watching the review of Loopop made the PB less interesting for me minute by minute. There are tiny design features on the MB I dearly would miss on the PB and this menu diving for some of the features, well … not my cup of tee … :thinking:

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Ah man this is so real. I recently shifted from an iPad with so many apps, to one single instrument - digitone- just to simplify, commit to actually making music.
Advice here is great - don’t wait, work out what you want to do NOW and act/but accordingly. Nothing is permanent, you can always sell or swap or add. But the most important thing is to create stuff.
As the great saying goes: “real artists ship”


Wow this sounds great. As along time MB owner I’m glad to see things like the matrix and parallel filters carried over. The FX sound fab and an improvement over the MB analogue FX. Sooo tempting!

Coming from MB territory, yeah some things simplified, like the Cv, osc and cross modulation sections, but also some cool new things. A bit jelly of the stereo filter/osc options, loopable envelopes, better screen, morph and decent multi fx sections. It won’t replace the MB but definitely stands on its own and is preferable to DSI for my tastes. Only real wish is if it had the vertical hinged panel contruction.

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Who’s the contender?

I think he was talking in general terms about comparing different synths and their respective functionality rather than comparing the PB to one in particular. Least that’s how I read it

question is would you get this over say a sequential prophet 6 or nah?