Arturia Polybrute

Personally, based on what I’ve seen/heard so far, yes.

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That is what I’m doing. The P6’s lack of modulation is what always held me back. I compromised with a rev 2 and have a pro 3. For a VCO poly this is on another level IMO. It can also do moog sounding stuff, which I could never afford in the One.


It’s funny those are the things that make it visually appealing to me, a sort of mid-century vibe. I do agree that it might look better if the wood went all the way across, but would probably make the Morphee area look too busy.

Props to Arturia for establishing a unique identity for their synths over the last decade.

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Aside from any apples-to-oranges considerations, gun to someone’s head, which do you choose: Polybrute or Super 6?

Welcome to the forum!

PB for me, no question. As interesting as the Super 6 looks I think the PB covers more bases.

It’s been good for me to read comments from the MatrixBrute owners here. What I’m wondering now is, “Is there room in this town, for both of us?”, to use that old wild west expression.

Is Affectionate-Bee right to be thinking of unloading his MB ? If you’re a new buyer are there reasons to buy a MB over the PB ? Or are they different enough that they‘ll both be selling, even with perhaps the sales of the MB going up temporarily, with the increased attention ? They are similar but they are also quite different — are they different enough ? The PB is more expensive, so the MB is more affordable. Did Arturia shoot themselves in the foot ? Or did they play it perfectly ?

Yeah Blipson, welcome to the forum ! :laughing:


I think he was talking about the MiniBrute 2s rather than the MB. For the record I’ve got both and wouldn’t sell either. Love the MB2S sequencer and patch bay. If it had the ladder filter too I’d be even less inclined to shift it!

You’re right, my bad, so reorganize my post, is there room for the MB and the PB, or should/will Arturia discontinue the MatrixBrute ?

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Good question… without delving into the feature list of the PB (which I admit I’ve not done) are there features on the MB that aren’t implemented on the PB? At a glance I’d say there was but I suppose if folks can get 80% of the way to the MB with the PB then the market might decide? The MB has been around a few years now so maybe there’s a mono replacement on the way? It’ll be interesting to see for sure.

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Generally yes … but …

IMO … if we compare both monophonically and their timbres only, I would say, PB and MB share many similarities. The sound engine of the MB offers more options, more tones, be it standard or audio FM. The PB comes with a 6 voice polyphony and the morphing feature. Both deliver great sounds. Many wanted the polyphony of the MB. Here it is.

Would I get a PB to pair with my MB? No, because IMO both are too similar and there are only 6 voices of polyphony. Background: I have made a rule for myself. Buy only, if something really new is coming to the party, or which is missed dearly.

Would I buy the PB, if I hadn’t the MB already? Odds are … yes, if polyphony would be more interesting at this moment to me than having the more versatile tones of the MB.


And would you consider selling the MB for the upgrade / cross grade ?

(Good analysis again !)

Was just thinking aloud about a MB mk2 or similar…

2012 - MiniBrute
2013 - MicroBrute
2016 - MatrixBrute
2018 - MiniBrute 2/2S (feels like it’s been around longer!)
2019 - MicoFreak
2020 - PolyBrute

So maybe there will be something new, analogue and mono, on the horizon? Possibly featuring the ladder filter and digital FX or even a digital oscillator thrown in too?

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I’m factoring the uFreak into the time line as well. (For the past day I’ve been thinking about a SuperFreak with the Morphee. Perhaps that’s why Arturia didn’t add a uFreak like oscillator to the PB ?)

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I’d omitted it as I was concentrating on the analogues but yeah, I can see some cross- pollination going on in something new.

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No, two reasons, one very emotional, the second - maybe - more rational.

I have a real problem to depart with musical instruments. It would be like saying farewell to a dear friend for ever.

Most important reasons, why I bought the MB were the tone, the outstanding versatility, and beeing nearly a modular synth. I had a Minibrute already and knew, what was to be expected and was positively surprised, when the MB stood in the studio. I use my MB particularly for many tones, which I can’t get from Oberheim, Moog, and the others. But some of those timbres are not possible on the PB, because it doesn’t have some facilities of the MB.

Last but not least a thought of mine about monophonic and polyphonic synths. I use monophonic synths mostly to create lead voices and if those voices are very individual and specific, all the better. I use polyphonic synths most of the time for musical roles, which a string or wind section of an orchestra would have. I love many long notes of one ore more chords overlapping. This overlapping cancels the individuality of each tone and creates this smooth choir like timbre, which is wanted. But it makes no sense to me, to have many very individual, complex, and expensive voices and melt them down to a smooth pad sound. Much less complex voices can do this melting as well.


Yeah if (and that’s a big IF) there is a SuperFreak planned in their future, then perhaps that allowed them to keep the PolyBrute so Brutish ?

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Yeah good point. Keeping the MB vibe alive

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Not yet. I’ve seen, heard, and played the P6 in person, while this new thing has several unknowns.

I’ve seen a Matrixbrute in person at a local store. The build quality seemed to be on the flimsy side - eg. the knobs. I don’t know how much abuse it was already subjected to by other customers before I touched it. So that leads me to question what kind of build quality to expect from this new thing.

So if I were you I’d wait until I could try it in person to assess the build quality, if the keybed is to your liking, etc.

Jukka I think the expression typically goes “There ain’t room in this town for the both of us.”

In this case though, I think there’s plenty of room for the MB & PB to co-exist, no showdown necessary!

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