Audio Inputs active even after removing relevant machine

So I’ve been playing a bit with tne input machines and the RAM recorders on my MD UW MKii and I find them quite fun.

It took me a while to figure out how to get them to let sound through but once I did I realized that these machines can do a lot!

Now I’ve encountered something I feel is a bug… and I think I remember reading about it on the forum?

What happens? Well I insert a R1 machine and use the CUE1 param to hear in real time the audio coming from my Minibrute. This is the simplest way to get audio coming in.

Sooner or later after some fiddling with the ram recorders and maybe some playback machines I decide to restart the creative process and start creating a new pattern or maybe even a fresh kit… And this is the strange part… Audio is still getting in on Input A!

What gives? I’ve tried muting all tracks, clearning all machines manually, even reloading all tracks with the ram recorder module and turning all the level params (mlev, ilev, cue1, cue2) back down to 0 but the audio STILL GETS IN!

The only solution I"ve found is to power cycle the Machinedrum - which is a little annoying… : /

I’m fully sure that I haven’t explored this situation to it’s fullest - this is just what I’ve noticed so far.

Any tips on how I can stop that audio on the Inputs without power cycling? I’m really curious to know about others’ experience with this problem.


I seem to recollect that if you assign a regular machine (not MID or CTL) to the relevant track than the external input will stop. But I might be remembering wrong.