Audio range LFOs - Potential hardware damage?

First topic so I figured I could ask this potentially ridiculous question:

can the fast modulation produced by the new LFO pitch tracking functionality affect the AK hardware over time?

What I mean is, it seems like you’re pushing things hard when using it (not only that, but fast sync’ed tempos as well), at least it sounds like it. So, could this affect the oscillators or the filter or any hardware portion of the synth as time goes by? Are there any settings that fall outside what is recommended according to the hardware specifications?

I guess this one is for the Elektron guys themselves. Please say I can abuse the lfos without any fear of damaging my AK as the years go by. Love the unit, love your products

It migth sound dangerous :astonished: :rage: but I don’t see the problem :alien:

No. There is no risk.



No. There is no risk.

But plenty of REWARD, amirite? :smiley:

Thanks for the quick reply!

There’s not mechanical spinning parts such as clutchs, pulleys or rotors atteched to the LFOS’s. You can let them go as far as they can. Watch your speakers :wink:

. Watch your speakers :wink:



No. There is no risk.

Including the LFO on Pitch Mod? Some crazy broken distorted sounds coming out there!

hahaha those definitely sound as broken as I’ve heard, most evil lfo dest for sure

When asking the topic’s question my reasoning was: the oscillators are indeed hardware, they don’t have moving parts, but their parts are still physical. So, I assume there’s not only a range in which those physical parts can work or work at their best/fullest, but also most preferable ranges and physical aging, just like what happens with any other physical component/part. I was wondering if we were taking those physical components to its extremes, maybe even contributing to a faster decay of the physical parts, reducing its life span.

I could TOTALLY be wrong, I’m just curious

It’s always better to ask , if you have a doubt :wink: