Audio Routing within Octatrack

I’m just about to buy an Octatrack and have one question. Is it possible in Octatrack to route for instance Track 1 and Track 2 both to Track 3 and record on Track 3 all the samples,effects and automations from both T1&2? Some sort of mixdown like in Portastudio back in the days…

Yes, you can resample on another track.

It’s great, thank you Michael!

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Yes it’s feasible, but afaik you must use the CUE buss for that, since you can only select one input for each track’s recorder buffer.
The way you set it up is this: Either use studio mode and crank up the CUE volume for all the tracks you want to send to the recording track, or CUE the tracks you want to record. Then on the track where you record set the internal source for the recorded buffer to CUE. Make sure you don’t have CUE turned up (in studio mode) on the recording track or you might have some feedback (which can be a cool thing, but not always desirable).

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Thank you papernoise, it was very helpful! Can’t wait to get my OT.


Note that you can’t play the recorded sample at exactly the same time you’re recording - you need to delay it slightly with microtiming.

You can also directly record one track without using CUE. This is useful if you want to “print” the track (Portastudio style), or if you just want to add more effects to it on the fly. I believe this even works when the track being recorded is muted.

The OT is a resampling monster.

So this method (“directly record one track without using CUE”) I could use both delay and reverb on one track, correct?

Well, technically it’s two tracks… but on the same source, yes :slight_smile:

But as far as track is “printed” (let’s say on track2 from track1) with both delay and reverb, I can delete all samples from track1 and start over?

Oh sure, as long as you don’t record over the recorded sample’s slot - be sure to save your work!

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Thanks a lot license!


I hear this a lot but in my experience so far (not a ton, I’ve been using an OT as the center of my rig since around February of this year) it isn’t necessary as long as you don’t mess with pitch in the playback machine. I’ve been simultaneously recording and playing back 2-3 track buffers at a time, with the record and playback trigs on the same step, no offset at all, every time I practice for the last month and a half and so far I haven’t had a single issue, at this point I usually just use a flex machine playing the record buffer on the same track instead of using thru machines and so far it’s completely reliable. Maybe the microtiming thing is holdover from an earlier OS version?

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It works that way when recording from the inputs but not resampling tracks…


Oh, that’s good to hear. I have on and off phases with the OT and I’m just getting back into an “on” now, and I also haven’t tried the trick for a while. It’s definitely pitch dependent, because if the pitch goes higher than the recorder, you’d effectively be trying to go backwards in time. However, it might be tempo dependent as well (since the necessary lag would be tempo-agnostic but microtiming is tempo-dependent), although if you’re not shifting the microtiming at all, that would eliminate that theory.

Interesting, though when I’ve tried it I’ve ended up with silence, rather than what was recorded by the previous trig. I hoped that when it starts recording it would just gradually overwrite the buffer, rather than clearing it and starting again.
Perhaps I’m wrong though; it’s worth a revisit, because live sampling of the inputs and cutting/manipulating in real time is one of my favourite things to do with the OT—it’d be awesome to be able to do that in some way with another internal track’s audio. Technically it could be routed out the CUE output and then back in to an input :smiley:

Feature request time! :joy:

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I edited my post above because it was missing this important line for clarity, the passage is straight from the manual… This reply isn’t for pselodux, just general clarification…

I wonder why they made it like that… in theory an internal track should be easier to play back as it’s being recorded.