Audio Synch problem resolved

Hey !

I had many troubles finding the right way to use my DIGITAKT and ANALOG HEAT MKII as AU plugins via OVERBRIDGE on my iMAC with LUNA DAW. The machines could work for few minutes then drifting with digital audio synch errors and loos of midi synchro and transport.

I found that there was a conflict with my ESI MU4 midi interface (that I use for my other synth midi + usb hub) even with each machine connected to a different USB port.

First I found that DTKT and AH could work properly (via OVERBRIDGE) if I unplug the midi interface.

So I bought an OVERHUB plugged it on one port of the computer, plug both ELEKTRON machines on it, and my MIDI interface on another port of the iMac… Same issue… loosing synch randomly after few minutes of usage.

And my last try was to plug the ESI midi interface on the OVERHUB and finally this works really good.

SO I have my OVERHUB plugged on one Port of the MAC, the DIGITAKT, the ANALOG HEAT MKII AND the ESI MU4 midi interface (using 4 midi outs + 3 usb connections to synths on the ESI) all plugged on the OVERHUB.

Hope that’d help anyone

