Auto Channel ONLY

Hi all,

New to the Elektron sequencer, so hoping someone can help with a config. I have a Rytm as part of a large MIDI setup. All devices are connected on different channels, and I have like 12 different devices. Here’s my problem - I want to the Rytm to listen to the Auto Channel, and ONLY the auto channel, as different devices in my setup are on different channels (rytm is not the hub). This is fine, however, I want to be able to trigger all 12 tracks on the Rytm from the auto channel, using C0 - B0 as in the manual. However, for this to work, I have to configure the midi channels for Tracks 1-12 to be channels 1-12. That leads those tracks to listen to those midi channels, which are getting midi for OTHER devices! So my question, how can I trigger C0-B0 on the auto channel WITHOUT having those tracks listen to any other midi? Thanks!

I think the auto channel should work on those midi notes across all tracks if you turn all channels to “OFF”

I was really hoping that would be the case, and please tell me if I’m wrong and missing something, but from the manual, note the part that says “provided they are set to their default channels 1-12”. so I think if I turn those off, I can’t just trigger the corresponding note on teh auto channel?

“ Of the 128 notes in the standard MIDI range, 0-11 corresponds to notes C0 through to B0, the leftmost octave (which is sometimes called C-2 - B-2 in certain applications) will trigger the Sound of track 1 through to track 12, respectively (provided they are set to their default channels 1-12). These note values map to each of the twelve tracks, regardless of which track is active.”

If the manual says that, I must be wrong sorry

sigh. Anyone else have any thoughts here? the only thing i can think of is to use a MIDI filter, but that seems excessive. I simply want the Rytm to listen to only one channel and be able to trigger the “current” sound on each track on that channel. Thoughts?

Ive been trying to do this recently as well and my set-up is similar to yours.

Ive got it working from other hardware but not Ableton but thought Id mention it.

I have channel one midi set to channel 14 and then auto channel set to channel 14.

Everything other channel is set to off including performance and effects channels.

Using the lowest midi motes will then trigger each channel separately.

It doesn’t feel logical to me that it should work this way but in my case it does so maybe worth a try.

Hi Rokki,

Very interesting! So are you sure you have all tracks besides 1 set to off? And you can still play each track, even the off ones, on the auto channel using the lowest midi notes? If that’s the case, that’s perfect and exactly what I want, but I can’t seem to get that to work. Please let me know if that’s definitely the case with you and i’ll look into it. thanks