Automation of only two tracks in Ableton

hi, Ableton only seems to record automation for track 1 and 2 and the A4 plugin only shows parameters for track 1 and 2. Is there a way to get automation on the other tracks, please?

Thanks a lot

(OSX 10.11.4, Ableton 9.6)

On the plug in (Live part) press the little arrow right to the plugin’s name to reveal the Configure button. Turn it on (green), then move any parameter on the A4 plugin’s GUI, moved parameters should appears as Ableton’s parameters and will be available for automation.

Well I tried this before - pressed Configure button and moved e.g. filter on track 3, but nothing happened. Only tracks 1,2 are available and already preconfigured. Any ideas please?

Well, sounds weird that all the parameters for track 1 and 2 are preconfigured. Here when I load the plug-in, there are no parameters configured at all.

Lets try this. enter on Configure, then delete all parameters, then try to add some for track 3 or 4.

If all works now, the problem was because it seems that Live can’t handle more than 64 parameters per plug-in

To clear pre-configurated parameters: On Ableton browser, go to User Library/Defaults/Plug-in Configurations/VSTs (or AU)/Analog Four and delete “default.appc”.

At last to pre-configure plug-ins parameters you use the contextual menu over the plug-in name on the Ableton’s device area: “Save as default configuration”, may be you selected that by accident in the pass?

Thank you a lot for input, I will try it later.

Any updates here? mine is exactly the same…

That was it! Finally! I manually deleted 64 configured parameters and then I could map mine for tracks 1,2,3,4.

Thank you very much for help!

The awnser was already posted why you asked. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you solved it!