After switching to 1.05 from 0.9 automation stopped working. Any ideas how to get it to work again?
What OS are you using? What DAW?
I am using OS 10.7.5 and Abelton 8.2
What machine(s) are you using that are giving you the problem? Both Analog Four and Analog Rytm are up to OS 1.21C, so make sure you have that installed on the unit.
What I would do is run the v1.05b uninstaller and then install Overbridge v1.0. Since it’s not the beta/experimental version it’ll probably run smoother with less bugs. If that doesn’t work I would def contact Elektron Support through their page because v1.0 is supposed to be the “golden” working version for Ableton. Their support has been pretty responsive (at least when I’ve had an issue).
Awesome thanks for the response, will def give this a try. I am using the analog four.