Autosave pattern

let say I have a track build on two patterns A01 and A02 – both saved.
During a live performance, I’ll alternate pattern A01 than change to A02. When I get back to A01 it plays alternated version (as I expected) but now it’s saved - I cannot reload to original pattern [no + pattern ].

Is this a normal behaviour or AR? It limits live performance a lot.

No that should not be normal

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On A01 do you modify the trigs or the sound parameter? If you want to reload i.e. filtersetting you have to press no+kit.

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what exactly do you change? notes on the sequencer or synth parameters? because there are patterns and kits…are you aware of that concept?

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I modify sequencer trigs - for example add kicks.

On my MK1 this is not happening as you described. Maybe a MK2 user can confirm aswell? Are there any differences?

I use MK1.

Autosave as it is implemented on the AR and A4 is a really weird feature, because saving doesn’t always mean saving to +drive and loading doesn’t always means loading from +drive. Some operations only “save” to a kind of in-memory clipboard and the corresponding reload is only a restore from this in-memory clipboard.

Please read this thread:

… and another one here:


Thanks ! So it’s this kind of bug that is a feature :confused:

yes really weird… my first free floating studio-liveset ended up messing al me carefully programmed patterns into unrecognisable state, as I was also switching kits on the fly. I noticed only the next day.

Is there some sort of workaround?

is a system menu option: autosave on/off requested?

You can reload project.

when playing performing different patterns, and changing many parameters, in Kit and in Patterns, moving to different patterns how do the original patterns stay as initially saved?

while keeping seq. running?

is this possible?

Unfortunately no, when you load another pattern previous is autosaved :confused:
Only “workaround” is to copy pattern before you start to mess it up - but it’s too much effort in a live situation.

Thanks for clearing that up!

So patterns in the Rytm are ‘dynamic’, as in ‘always changing’.
This is very unusual behaviour for a drum-machine.

We need the option to change that i think, like a system menu option: autosave on/off.

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yep, right next to: save tempo per pattern on/off

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A long forgotten thread but content still valid.

There is a reasonable workaround although not very practical in the heat of improvising.

So you are in the midst of improvisation and find out you want to keep the original pattern+ sounds and the current state,

  1. trigger some looper to cover up :wink: optional but neat
  2. Save kit as new but remember the position of the old one
  3. copy pattern to a new destination
  4. hit yes kit and yes pattern - not quite sure if this is essential; or as in 6
  5. get back to the original pattern and load its original kit
  6. switch to the new pattern assuming it autosaves the original’s Kit assignment - not tested yet
  7. unloop the effector as you are ready for some more jamming.
  8. remember to save project as new at some point

Effector would cover up the change from old pattern to an empty one - necessary if you have it set to immediate change, as I do. Else, give the pause an artistic flavour/timing.

Unless the above can be streamlined, you’d need to choose not to save new patterns+kits when ppl are listening, which can be accepted as a minor limitation, with some regret sometimes.

AFAIK, reload kit on change does not solve the problem because the problem is automatic saving of kit to pattern assignment when changing pattern - whether intentional or accidental during lock modifications (opposite button press order).

A system update with the mod mentioned by technoid, i.e. ** system menu option: autosave on/off ** would be welcome.

Unless there is some rationale against, I will file a request.