Avalon Bassline...worth it?/ Opinion

It’s so incredibly hot. Built like an elektron but with a 303 inside. It sounds immense

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“… built like an elektron…”?? It has a much better build than the Elektron imo


Your right it has a better build. But if I was looking for something to compare it too then it would be an elektron

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Better knobs, better buttons, better paint; I’d compare the build to a Virus/Nord.


Whats the current state of these at the moment… has the wonderful OS been released?

Still intrested in grabbing one of these.

New os has been released, yeah. Have not had the time to update mine yet though.

I also got a moog filter cartridge for free for helping out with some promo pics back before NAMM. Abstrakt instruments are overworked but generous :slight_smile:

Would be great to hear normal / filter audio comparisons

Analog 4 has a larger screen.

And they’re very different machines.
My nord lead4 rack has no screen , just 2 numbers. I’m not sure it’s relevant.

The new os works well , I hope to feed my 0-coast into it over the weekend.

I have 2x TB303, 777, TB3, x0xb0x, Volca Bass and the Avalon Bassline. Love the Avalon —its more like a TB-303 MkII, because it’s built on the TB-303 with an extra layer, not figurative, literally! Build and sound quality are exceptional. I think Brian Castro is a genius.

If you’re in Melbourne, Australia, I’m presenting a paper (and performance) on the importance and sonic meaning of the 303 at the 2nd Synthposium on November 14: https://synthposium.net/

Here’s a little video demo I did when I first got it:


Yeah I love this machine. I would say it like a TB-303 Mk-X

Its far better than a real 303 could ever be. It absolutely bangs

after long time finally got mine first shipment damaged 4 months later got replacement wouldn’t power on. so have it 2 weeks now and i love it is by far the best ever 303 and kick ass bin the original one. its so good i ordered another one. i sold my original one because its so out dated and the acid has been done 30yo machine is risk if u paid 2g or more u never know when it just might die. i was going to get xoxbox but i said ill wait to i here the avalon now im glad iv ordered second one. i also had roland tb3 i sold it it was ok. and bassbot tt-303 very good sold it to make way for original. yep i buy and sell lol no point keeping them if your not 100% happy with them.

I’ve only got a mode machines x0x build. Pretty happy with it’s sound tbh. The only thing that would make me go beyond it is an analog teebee “clone” which has full MIDI CC implementation (mainly for storing sound snapshots but also for plocking with an OT). How’s the avalon in that regard? Any MIDI remote controllability?

I have to revise ! I heared the avalon baseline yesterday - and its fucking awesome - i never thought that i would like it - i was totally wrong.


Yeah I played around with one at Schneiders when I was there last month, it’s pretty amazing. Like a 303 on steroids. One girl was totally fascinated by it and wouldn’t leave it alone, she got some heavy sounds out of it, later looked quite disappointed when she heard the price!

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Some of you tried the filter cards ? it is worth ?

this is from 1.06 manual , i’m not sure if its final yet.

The Avalon receives the MIDI parameters listed below:

  1. Note On / Velocity / Slide
  2. Filter Cutoff
  3. Modulation Envelope Trigger
    Note Range: 18-75 (F#0 to D#5) Velocity Range:
    ccent Off = 0-63
     Accent On = 64-127
    Slide: Overlapping Notes

are only on/off states for accent… accents are triggered with a note on velocity value of 64-127.
Controller Number: 74 Controller Value: 0-127
There are (2) ways to trigger the modulation envelope. MIDI NOTE EVENT
The Avalon will respond to MIDI NOTE 0 to trigger the modulation envelope. This is note C-4 and is rarely used. This is the easiest and preferred method to trigger the envelope. Hardware controllers can assign keys or buttons to send MIDI Note events. MIDI CC#80
MIDI CC#80 messages can also be used to trigger the envelope.
Controller Number: 80 Controller Value: 0-127

 Mod Env Off = 0-63
 Mod Env On = 64-127


I’ve just placed an order for an Avalon and should get it next week - so will let you know what I think when I get my hands on it - £900 GBP - so not cheap. But a bargain compared to a real 303 and tons better by the looks of it :slight_smile:

Would like to know about the filter carts also, they’re bloody expensive!

I am interested too :slight_smile: if you can post some hands on experience.