Backing Up Model:Cycles Projects Help

Hi, Friends.

I’m having trouble figuring out how to back up my Model:Cycles and hoping somebody can help me out.

Are there any step-by-step instructions on backing up projects? I’ve read the manual 10 times and since I’m a total noob, It just doesn’t have enough details or steps for me to make sense of it. I was hoping for a youtube tutorial, but can’t find anything.

I opened the Transfer app and the /projects folder is empty but I have 70 projects on the device. Why is that?

I’ve used the Sysex Librarian app to receive the file, but nothing ever seems to happen when I’m doing that either. I just got it to show a file once, but the file really didn’t seem to have any information in it. I keep trying and it says it’s waiting on the message while the M:C blinks that it’s sending.

Do I need to update the M:C? I got it in Jan, doesn’t seem like that would be the issue but I was worried about updating before I can back up some of my projects.

I’m creating this new thread because I can’t be the only one having this problem and maybe somebody that knows what they’re doing can create a step by step guide to help in search results.


I was just able to get the Sysex Librarian app to receive another file, this is what it looks like. Is that it? is that the project file?

I think the project sysex has 97 messages in it, your image is showing only one (one Row in the top window).

You’re on the right track with sysex librarian, I’m pretty sure Transfer doesn’t deal with projects and patterns, only presets.

Thanks Bibenu!

I figured out what was going wrong. I didn’t have all the midi settings set to USB, forgot I had been trying to do it over Midi cables for a while.
Also in that screenshot, I kept hitting Record One instead of Record Many.

Hope that helps anybody looking for more details.

Backed up and deleted all the projects I didn’t want to keep on the device.

Really wish Elektron would make an update so we can manage projects inside Transfer.