Backing Up

I have just looked at the sysex file backups for my MachineDrum over the last month.

Over that time I have created around 6 new kits and and at least a bank of pattens.

The file size of each backup is the same for all files. Approximately 733,000 kb of data and I am mostly sure that I am continuously sending 232 items from the MD as an “ALL” sysex send.

I suspect something is up here because surely with extra work there is extra information…

Loading the latest backup to the MD will provide an answer for me, but it also might wipe a bunch of important work and I don’t have a spare MD on hand to test this out.

I am concerned that in the unfortunate circumstance of having to call on the most recent backup that I will not retain the recent work I have saved.

I am following the official TM1 procedure and using C6 and also SySex Librarian as a backup to the backup in turbo mode.

Should I be concerned here?

Maybe wait for others to chime in, but imho you shouldn’t be concerned. I back up my md’s full working memory this way all the time and the file size is always roughly the same, regardless of how many patterns/kits I’ve used.

Thanks bro. Good to know.
I have lost work in the past and have become OCD with backing up. I am close to completing a 2 year project with Octa/MD and the thought of a melt down at this stage makes me edgy. Important to know that I am going through this convoluted process for a reason!

Got a response from Elektron on this.

All saves on MD contain the same amount of file data always…