Backup patterns with samples

Hi there,

I would like to backup some patterns that were made partly from samples using C6 software.
If I am not mistaken, I need to do a sysex export from the patterns in extended mode, so the kits are saved too AND do a sample sent ALL to
backup all my work ? So I will always end up with 2 files?

I heard you can also backup samples that are in RAM machines.
Does this work the same way? I mean are they include in the backup if the RAM machines contain data at the moment of transfer ?

Edit > [i] tested the RAM backup and it seems that it is not included in the “sent ALL” but you can sent the RAM sample individually to c6.


Thanx in advance.


And another question:

I got my MD second hand.
On the Elektron site, I downloaded the factory presets sysex.
So can I assume that the ROM’s are all empty in a new MD ?