Bad Gear

I has the EA 1 and ER 1. Both sounded great. They were limited but that didn’t stop me making music with them. This whole bad gear thing is…well, it’s been flogged to death on the other thread. I don’t watch his vids but I’ve got stuff he says is bad but then says is quite good., whatever. At the end of the day buy it and if you don’t like it then sell it. Someone else’s opinion is irrelevant

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It had a great interface dont get me wrong. I also used it for a few live shows. With the right samples you could work around it’s limitations. But the line out was very weak and it seemed to sometimes suck the low end out of things. (Maybe the later version fixed this stuff). And of course the highs weren’t great because of the 32khz sample rate. I wish they had done 12-bit instead like the volca sample. That might have made all the difference.

These days I think I could make it work better. But I’d still rather have something like model samples that sounds good all the time.

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For me the MPC one was very much “bad gear”. The core MPC part worked fine but the rest was trash and the plugins were a joke. I actually like the software on my Mac better. And you couldn’t trust any updates from Akai. Also the insanely toxic online communities devoted to MPCs was just too much. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go join the fb groups and get ready. Literally the opposite of this forum

As for the YouTube show I don’t understand why people can’t get the joke? He’s making fun of us not the gear. It’s funny how obvious it is to some people and then others truly get offended.


He’s also very clear that the gear he features on the show is gear that he has seen people trash online, not necessarily gear that is bad. His demos have done more to convince me to consider buying a few things than “real” reviews.


As i understand this thread isn’t about the channel but about actual bad gear.

What do you mean? Aren’t the power handles available right now?
I never wanted one anyway and i still like my Model:Samples.

Unfortunately no. There is a notorious potential fire hazard with them, and so far, Elektron has pulled sales and not done any sort of redesign

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Oh ok, never heard about it. That’s crazy. Then they should have at least put out a note about the issue.

There has been a warning and recall for all the power handles but no replacement even after 2 years almost. The last models related product, which is the bag, doesnt even make the models fit with the handle lol.

Radio silence for the models.

I actually would not hold my breath for anything new related to them, they’ve been out for 3+ years so if anything was being developped it would have come out already.

Hopefully they will make new products in the same form, but I am sure they won’t given how much trouble they have had with these already lol.

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Sounds like a cigarette lighter for the models could be possible.

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Literally fills the screen with comments

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I guess adding an attack control function does really take insane amount of time on assembler lol.


I agree with this too and despite understanding why it might make a bad gear list, I still love it dearly. I too, also loved the ES-1 though. 🤷 I guess opinions really don’t matter much. We all have them and they certainly don’t have to match. Funny how gear can push certain people to make music whilst simultaneously driving someone else bananas.

Exactly. Well, I guess you already said it and my last comment is worthless now that I’m reading this, but yeah, opinions are trash.

I love Florian.


Yeah, this post and thread is supposed to be about gear that is actually bad, not about Florian’s show. But not just gear, actually musical instruments that some of us might hate, like the Sax mentioned in the OP or the Mandolin, which is one of the first comments. I must admit, I love the Mandolin and would never think to list it as bad gear because I typically like it’s sound. However, there is an instrument I truly hate, now that I think of it…

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The Pan Flute! Ugh, I hate the Pan Flute.

Of all the gear I’ve owned, the only thing I’d describe as objectively bad is some tiny little behringer Xenyx mixer that I bought for gigs. Completely useless, cuts out all the low end, the power supply is bigger than the fucking mixer and the knobs are about as precise as Mr Magoo’s driving. Unusable.


Yikes. I use a Xenyx Q802 USB and it has served me well. I’ve never observed any low end loss and I make bass music so I think I would notice that. May I ask which model you were using at the time? I know I need to improve my mixer, but it’s kinda low on my priority list atm.





Okay, I have a slightly more fully-featured model. Thankfully, mine has one knob compressors on channel one and two, which relates to this thread in that they are just enough of a boost to run the Model Samples through to make it sound okay (headroom wise) and cut through the mix better. I really need to upgrade my mixer though, but its better than that monstrosity. I would apologize to Fin25 but I’m quite confident that he agrees.