Bad Gear

I’m deffo in the wrong forum :rofl:

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Nah it’s me. I should clarify, I love electronic music. It’s just that at high tempos, the four to the floor can sometimes be grading to my ears, like a car alarm. However, as I get older, I like it more than I used to.


Hey, it’s all good, nothing pointed at your post! It’s me too to be fair. I like vocals, pianos, melodies etc etc. I suspect that gives my age away to some extent! Deeply uncool around these parts I suspect. Each to their own I guess!

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I bought this thing one time while on a business trip. Something to just dick around with in the hotel room. Checked out 5 days later. The hotel stay was longer than my 303 ownership.


My pal who I did stuff with bought one when they were new. We were both crestfallen when we realised it’s limitations. I don’t remember exactly but I’m sure it was something like it only worked in omni mode when sequencing external gear over midi. Deal breaker for us

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I used it for a short time when i first got into my synth GAS phase, i remember it had some solid roland type sounds. it did have a sound module mode where you can control it by midi which i mostly did. however it wasn’t worth it for me in the end and it is sitting with the yamaha rm1x in storage :sweat_smile:

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all i wanted was a semi-decent drum rompler, and it couldnt even do that easily :confused:


I still have mine and last week I dust it out to sample the 808 and 909 kits.


this was kind of part of the original vision of trying it out. thing was just tedious to use and the fact ALL percussion is on the R track. luckily the previous owner included this manual to help me out. Its the original Roland documentation in Japanese, but i think i figured out what its saying…


Yeah, sold my mc303, and good riddance. I still have one of those little xenyx 502 mixers that fin25 posted above. After I’ve sold that to somebody I’ll say rude things about it, but not until then :wink:

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isnt that JD-08 “bad gear”, is what EZBOT been saying in his recent videos that its quite good?

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My Uno Synth Pro is now officially Bad Gear. So now the only things I use all the time that haven’t been featured are my Circuit Rhythm and my Sampletrak. I get that the Sampletrak is kind of obscure but come to think of it, I’m surprised he hasn’t got around to the Rhythm yet.


What’s your opinion of the USP? I keep eyeing them up. I did read some people saying theirs run hot. I tend to ignore that particular ‘expert’

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My first bits of kit were the following:

• Roland SP-202. I would re-buy this machine today (and recently put the SP-303 on layaway) even though it’s severely limited by today’s standards. Maybe it’s sentimental ignorance, maybe it’s because I’m so familiar with its UI/workflow, but it’s special to me.

• Roland DR-202 Doctor Groove. I would re-buy this machine in a heartbeat at the right price. This is mostly due to sentimental nostalgia I think. It’s still a great machine, but it has been left in the dust by modern grooveboxe and drum machines/drum synths. Machinedrum, Syntakt, LXR-02, Gotherman’s SpazeDrum and RYTM to name a few. But there’s something about the OG doctor. Plus, the red and black design would look great with the OG dark trinity. TBH, I doubt I will re-buy it unless I find it at a junk shop, but this is probably the only piece of kit I ever truly mastered.

• Korg Electribe EA-1. I absolutely hated this synth/groovebox. It actually put me off of synths, which are my favorite things in the world (other than my wife and my cats). I love samplers too but synths are my jam spot. I probably didn’t give it enough of a go despite having it for over two years. It just sounded like a boring techno machine to my ears and I could never find a sweet spot.

Still reading the 908 posts in Bankie’s OG thread but spotted some hate for the EA-1 there which reminded me of how much I hated that damn thing. And it was Dallas Cowboys colored! And I’m a Cowboys fan (unfortunately), which makes it even sadder. :rofl:


Whoa! What happened with the Synth Pro? :rofl:

Oh, you mean the show? Okay.

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Just for you, another of my pieces of Bad Gear


My precious

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Yours has the yellowed pads too. OMG! Tobacco smoke-free studio? Amirite? Yes kids, weed smoke will yellow the pads too!

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Recently sold my Aruria Drumbrute which had poor sounds, although it was very intuitive I have to say. The time that guy was here I found an old Sony machine with some really cheese sounds on it that I once bought, gave it him for free. After checking online I just gave him around 80 bucks. So I guess buying an Arturia Drumbrute could be beneficial in some occasions, although it’s not for the audio for both of them :upside_down_face:


I love playing the drum brute but I agree the sounds aren’t it’s best feature. It’s a shame as I always found it such a joy to play