Bad Gear

Yeah, most intuitive drumcomputer! The hats sucked haha. The toms and the rimshot were quit nice. And don’t forget the Zap!! :rofl:


Yeah and the ‘ratchet’ or repeat function is really cool to play with. The RD 8 and 9 have a similar repeat function that’s fun too


I forgot to mention, Maschine MKII… a glorified midi controller. I bought mine secondhand which meant I couldnt get the right software without doing unspeakable things. when it was hooked up and ready to go it was cool and flashy but maybe more of a show piece than serious production tool. obviously my experience wasnt great with it lol and i was too frustrated with it by the time i got it working

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Ow the repeat always seemed sloppy when I was using it. But perhaps the only bad gear in the studio is me :laughing:

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Oh, I forgot one! The Roland JV-1010. It’s not bad gear, it was just one of the first I have owned. I wish I had never sold it.

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Played that game too, with the Hip Hop card inside. I don’t know what ever happened to mine? I had a bit of gear go missing from a rehearsal room years ago and I think that might have been with it? An S1000 and an 1100 :cry:

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My condolences. Scroll up a bit for a brief account of the day I left a bag of gear on a Dart train so that we can share empathy in loss. :pleading_face:

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The hip-hop card though? Hell yeah!

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OMG, I want that thing. I bet it’s terrible!

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I have the desktop. It doesn’t run hot. It does have a bunch of weird power issues.

It can run off of power from a computer but you’ll probably get ground noise. You can run it off of a power bank but it might have tuning issues if there’s not enough juice. You won’t know until you start playing.

I don’t have the original power supply but plugging it into a power strip with my cell phone adapter can also give it weird tuning issues,. But that might just be my adapter. The sweet spot has been plugging the USB out to the computer and plugging it into the power strip on the power end, as well. (There’s two ports.) It’s way more trouble than it should be. But it doesn’t run hot. And it sounds great.

The editor is good too. You don’t need it since the menu system is pretty straightforward. But it’s just a lot easier having everything on the screen when you’re making patches.

This was my first sampler too. I liked it for collecting samples and trying things out. I’ve still got mine but it’s pretty busted up after a couple of moves and a stint as part of my brother’s band’s set up.

And yeah, I have a soft spot for those mid to late nineties DJ samplers. I’ve got a Sampletrak, a Yamaha SU10, and a semi functioning Korg ES-1. One of these days I want to get an Akai S20, as well. That and one of the Numark mixers with the sampler on it.


Birds of a feather Doug. I want all the old samplers. Even, and maybe especially, the ones people think are “bad.”


One of my first samplers and the first one I bought new. Quickly moved on to the 1000 and 1100 then a 3000, all bought second hand for peanuts back then.


It is terrible! And for sell on eBay for 85 pounds :upside_down_face:

Sorry, my comment wasn’t directed at you specifically. Some of the comments about the VM just reminded me of the fact that it’s often hated on, and I think that more often than not, users just haven’t fully explored its capabilities (as you even admitted). The VM isn’t an instant gratification synth and it has a specific sound, but i’d say if someone likes the timbral quality of a Buchla, then the Volca Modular is like 90 percent there, which is pretty amazing for a $200 device. It deserves more praise.

Btw, I actually didn’t notice the meme. I admit, it’s pretty funny and touches on a real thing about the VM… I imagine its screeching tendencies are part of what give it its unique ability to model real instruments so well.


Simmons SDS-8. Horrible sound. I got it for $10 or so without hearing it because analog drums (why not at that price?). I must have taken it out 10 different times thinking “maybe my sound design skills, ears, experience is better now and I’ll change my mind”. 10 minutes later it went back into storage. Sold it in reverb a few years ago for like $400. I hope they knew what they were getting :man_shrugging:


This isn’t a product, just some DIY project, but I think it qualifies as Bad Gear™


I love that channel because he isn’t truly shitting on any of the gear, mostly just having fun poking at the quirks and weirdness, mostly from salty user comments haha - Anyone that owns any of the gear on that channel will know exactly what he’s talking about. Pretty much everything I have but a Sub37 is on that channel, and he’s dead on with every one of them lol

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I had this thing called a rockmitter (like rock music transmitter? I guess?) made in like the 70’s or 80’s that you were supposed to be able to plug in a guitar or a keyboard or whatever and have it play wirelessly “through the radio” to play along with songs, but I could never even once get it to work.

I remember being pretty young, like a teenager or whatever, and thinking I was getting this smokin deal when buying it new from this local music store because my uncle or someone had a tom scholz rockman which was awesome and this thing sort of had the same small rectangular box with a 1/4 inch jack appearance, but it was in this hard-knock shelf-life beat to shit looking package and it had about 9 markdown stickers on the box ranging from $100 down to the 5 that I bought it for. They probably had it in “stock” since they got it in the 80’s or whenever. The very definition of bad gear, something that never even once worked.

The thing is so obscure i can’t even find a picture of it to post here, I was just googling it. I’m sure it was called a rockmitter though.


This thing is heaven for the vaporwave producers.

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It goes “peeww” mixed with white noise. Literally all it does. All the tracks are identical except maybe the kick is pitched lower by default. I truly have no idea what heaven could be created by it no matter what genre you’re producing. Maybe I’m just tone deaf to the magic. It’s still an absolutely terrible value for its range of sounds given the price they are going for now. Should have waited a few more years apparently, $400 looks like a steal these days hah!

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