Bandcamp joins....Epic Games?

I think the revenue share will be the first change.


Acquirers often claim their intentions for “standalone” in order to retain employees and prevent customer loss in the short term. It rarely stays that way for long.


There are often clauses to keep key staff for a few years after buyout. They’ll get shares , bonuses etc.
and many companies goal is to build up in order to cash out.

Basically if it gets worse people will find another platform.

exactly. Which company/game studio wants to clear rights with some bloke who doesn’t get his shit together … or who wants too much money or whatever. A checkbox “Yes, studios can use my music with the following conditions” is a lot easier / less time consuming for everybody.

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I think epic games is half owned by Chinese company “tencent holdings”. So hopefully that means I’ll see an increase in sales by a factor of 1 billion.

edit: sadly bandcamp is blocked in china.

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good point - key people will get incentives… but not everyone

This is what I see as a positive. If this doesn’t happen and revenue share goes down prior to this… then my optimism will fade.

I think epic only charges 12% to indie devs selling games on their store front. Epic is probably most interested in growing and controlling a market place even at the cost of revenue (at least for now) instead of milking and destroying the current one. I think it mostly comes down to how they want to grow, do they want to push indie more mainstream or do they want to pull bigger label/artist names in and put that in the front of the market place.

fuck epic, fuck video games, fuck the chinese who own 40% of bandcamp now, fuck bandcamp i guess

I guess there are no values in tech industry, only money and endless growth


Also known as



You can already do that in the Android app:

The MP3 files have unhelpful names but are there in the phone in the folder /Android/data/


My main concern with this news is (as hinted above) that Epic are very into selling unnecessary add-on crap in their games. And of course, of course, they’re pro-NFT :roll_eyes:


fixed it


In many ways I do want to see the Bandcamp platform mature and modernise, become more exciting and have more features to it. Epic could help with that. It is hard not to see VR becoming involved at some point - if not now maybe 5 years. But, I dunno. I feel like the Bandcamp name won’t stay for long. Get ready for the “Bandcamp is now known as X” press release. Hopefully this works out for the best. To me it comes off as a “vs Apple” thing, with Epic wanting to muscle in on the music platform market share.

Yikes. As someone who doesn’t want to do business with Epic Games, but loves Bandcamp, I’m not stoked.


I read this forthtelling bad news.

I sadly deleted my soundclown not that long ago after using it since beta. I only use bandcamp and itube now and never even tried that other green virus - itube also definitely stinks but it’s less corrosive imho.

Here’s to hope that us (modest musicians) will have an alternative rising eventually that we can hold on to until the following wave.


I guess we need a spreadsheet or something to help us figure out which music streaming service is least yucky/evil/gross for musos who want to release their works.


Like, I get that Bandcamp was always a traditional company and not a co-op or anything radical, but their actions have been far more helpful to artists and audience than Epic’s have as a whole. Worse, Bandcamp will now just be a Division that has to justify itself to shareholders demanding to know why there was “only 8% growth this quarter instead of the 20008947373% we needed”

And personally, I planned for this to finally be the year I finished something and could show people on bandcamp proudly. And while I am still working on music, this has taken some of the pride out of that gesture for me


I don’t know if the worst is this purchase or the fact that some people are happy about it…

A megalomaniac boss as smart as a squash who managed to bring the unhealthy exclusives of the world of console games to pc by posing as the white knight defender of indie… Very promising indeed.
Soon more than megacorps to distribute music, yum.

1- Download all my Bandcamp content at high resolution.
2- Delete my account
3- Delete the tab from Firefox


Hmm. I kind of wish underground music would go back underground, everything so instant and corporate isn’t good for young adults, even if they have been conditioned to think it is better.

Rock and Roll isn’t very Rock and Roll anymore.
Punk isn’t very Punk anymore.
Hip hop is sucking the corporate dick.

Clicks and likes and shares are too easy and too meaningless, no effort, no commitment or investment of time, no patience, look here comes the next new thing, gotta blow up. Yeuch!

When I first joined Bandcamp I had hoped it might at least bring some of the vibe and excitement back to new underground music, but it was pretty naive to think that really, I’m being too idealistic and nostalgic.