Bandcamp joins....Epic Games?

To me the scariest part is the whole “Epic is a champion of free and open internet” sentence in the press release.

Considering Epic has been simply

  • Getting mad at monopolies because they were not one…
  • Then they started buying every big name and built an “ecosystem”…
  • So that now they are becoming their own monopoly…

And now we are supposed to be happy that the “good guys won”? What do they mean?

It’s scary because given Epic’s behavior in the past, it looks like a borderline gaslighting way of explaining the situation. Which doesn’t bode well for the future of Bandcamp.


We now need a new bandcamp in my opinion. After all the pro-artist stuff with bandcamp friday, this is a big disappointment. Epic wouldn’t buy it without the intent to monetize it further, at the expense of artists and in favor of themselves.


Ukraine - IPCC report - Australia under water - Epic buys Bandcamp

Is it me or is the apocalypse a fact (near)?


Looks like its back to the old ways.
Print your own CDs (tapes if you’re a poser)
And sell them mail order.

Such a shame. I loved bandcamp, it was one of the few reasons I enjoyed the internet.


Mate I live in australia, its been apocalypse since the bushfires of 2019, then the following floods, then the pandemic that still has not stopped, now the current floods, and the impending war in Europe…

At least there’s the current sounds thread on here… :fist:


Does anyone use ArtStation? I am having a hard time finding a user community to try to gauge the reaction/experience of artists who sold/sell their work through it, both before and after Epic gobbled them up last year.

I don’t think ArtStation is for selling things. My understanding is that it’s fancier DeviantArt, used as a portfolio for visual artists.


You might have better luck looking up SketchFab? More comparable product. Evidence of reduced revenue share down to 12% as other speculated (good thing), etc…

That’s what keeps me going man

I don’t play games or know anything about Epic. If everything turns to shit, I’m sure someone will step in with a new bandcamp to fill the void.


Some pretty unhappy users there…those terms of use changes look pretty bad

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While that is absolutely my preferred way of doing things it’s unusual to find anyone with a CD player nowadays. Every time I hand one to someone they look at me like a dog that’s just been shown a card trick and ask what they’re supposed to do with it. I’d love to go back to that though.


I’ll have to check it out. I didn’t do any research. 3D Art is a weird one when it comes to licensing.

So far it looks like standard procedure. New company, different ways of doing things. This is mostly to protect against class action lawsuits. You can still sue on an individual basis. (Not saying I agree…)

Music has more protections in the US legal system, especially if lyrics are involved so some of these changes shouldn’t be the same. They might have similar language for compression/converting mp3 to WAV or whatever. But at the end of the day a private company can remove your content. This just allows them to say you understood that.

TOS stuff sucks…

There will always be change.

Streaming services can S.M.D.

See that’s the real underground, no one knows who the fuck I am :joy:

Still I think I will financially be ok without their pathetic royalty crumbs, fuck them and fuck these dickhead artists who sell out.


Like for example Snoop “Corporate dick swallower” Dogg - “Did somebody say just eat?” yes mate eat your own arse. Selling NFTs and buying fucking virtual “meta” real estate, what a G, straight outta CPT, which used to mean Compton, but now means corporate. Twat. <- British humour, not real rage, but an element of truth.


Same here man, same here.

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I think I saw your post in which you said you’re going to take all your stuff down from online and sell only CDs by mail.

It’s your art, man.

Whoa dude! I guess your behringer hate is just the tip of the iceberg of your rage :grinning:

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Rage or just trying to impress Fin25?


Miserable Git 2.0