Bank change tempo change not working

sorry another noob question.
when changing between patterns in the same bank i can succesfully change tempo w/ tempo per pattern setting. however when changing banks (to a pattern with different tempo in the new bank) the sequencer keeps on playing at the old tempo (but displays the new tempo). the sequencer step leds clearly play at the old tempo. is this a bug and/or is there a workaround for this? thanks!

Similar bug was fixed in OS 1.40A.
What OS are you playing?

List of changes from Octatrack OS 1.40 to 1.40A
Bug fixes
The tempo of the previously played pattern could in some cases still be in use after a pattern change to a pattern with a different tempo, even though the display showed the correct tempo.


ok thanks i’m still on 1.40 , will upgrade and report :slight_smile:

@WeirdFishes just upgraded to 1.40A, still not working :confused: any way to report this?

edit: i can work around by changing tempo in last pattern before switching to the new bank, but sometimes it’s a bit cumbersome

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So now it’s more to investigate. I have to try it before be able to say anything more…

Also try save/reload Parts first. They are tricky sometimes.

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Previous pattern tempo or project tempo?
I think I had this once, not sure how to reproduce it.

Could you please write the minimum steps to reproduce your issue from a new project?

i’m trying to pinpoint but this seems really nasty to find out, cannot reproduce it cleanly but i managed to narrow it down more or less in my session. long story: bug seems to be either influenced by long 1 shot sample or track scaling (either master setting or track setting)
my case:

  • all patterns have individual pattern tempo switched on, but do have same tempo per bank (bank1 =142bpm, bank 2 = 107bpm)
  • bank 1 has 3 parts divided over 11 patterns (usual one part per four patterns)
  • all my patterns have track scaling per track on. there is some polyrythmic stuff going on (different track lengths) but no crazy shit.
  • now the fun part: if i switch from patterns 1-8 (part 1 and 2) in bank 1 to bank 2 the tempo switch works. however if i switch from pattern 9-11 (part 3) the tempo does not switch… now first i thought it had to do something with a long one shot sample playing on track 1 in pattern 10 (who gets cut off by a new shorter loop in bank2) BUT apparently it seems influenced by scaling too. pattern 9 and 11 had master scale setting on 128 and also did not tempo switch correctly. now if i set this to 32 and switch to bank 2 the tempo switch works correctly but only for a few times. after a few times switching it doesn’t work anymore. and this does never works for pattern 10. so yeah pretty mindbending :smiley:
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I couldn’t reproduce it…

me neither on purpose, but it still happened a few times over here…

in fact i couldn’t rely on this random behaviour for the live set i was building. so i had to program tempo changes in last pattern in the old bank before switching to the new bank OR making sure all long samples are stopped before switching banks. (i still suspect some weird combo with long samples being cut off in the new bank w/new tempo)

I’m having an issue where I can’t make it NOT CHANGE TEMPO when changing bank. I have patterns of the same song/pattern tempo across banks/pattern B14-16 & C1-2…(same pattern tempo set at 152 on all) and it changes to some other tempo when I change between B and C. weird. have a gig tomorrow

Hey all, I may have a quick workaround (if anyone is still experiencing these unwanted tempo issues).

Once the pattern/bank has switched and is now playing the buggy unwanted tempo, tap either < > buttons and it will hopefully start playing the desired tempo.

My issue:
All my patterns in this project are set to ‘tempo per pattern’. When I change from any pattern in Bank 1 to any pattern in Bank 2, the new pattern plays at a slower tempo after the switch. I can then switch to any other pattern in Bank 2 and the tempo corrects itself, but whenever I go back to Bank 1 and try again it happens again.
It doesn’t happen when going from Bank 2 back to Bank 1.

  • All patterns have the tempo at ‘1 x’
  • Every pattern has track 8 as a Master, set to 10/16, Master: 0040.
  • Patterns 1-14 in Bank 1 are at 148 bpm.
  • All patterns in Bank 2 are set to 145bpm.
  • Patterns 15, 16 in Bank 1 are set to 145bpm (to see if that fixed the issue before switching banks. It did for a moment, but then ‘broke’ again)
  • For bank 1 patterns 15 and 16, and ALL patterns in Bank 2, I set tracks 1-7 at 20/32, just in case.

When I set all the pattern Masters to 0040, it temporarily fixed the issue, but only for a few minutes. I stopped playback to save all the settings and when I started again the issue returned.

Any advice is appreciated, but if you have similar issues, try hitting < or > and the tempo should realign.

Same problem, switching pattern from one Bank to an other, with same tempo allocated per pattern, but the sequencer slow down … !

I have the same issue here, any updates on the problem?

I haven’t dug any deeper I’m afraid.

I’ve been getting on ok with the temp workaround:

Once the pattern/bank has switched and is now playing the buggy unwanted tempo, tap either < > buttons and it will hopefully start playing the desired tempo.
I find you can get away with repeated taps if you’re not feeling confident with your timing.

dang already 2 years ago. haven’t been using my OT as stem machine anymore but just tried again because i love tempo per pattern on A4. it’s still pretty bugged on OT 1.40b between banks, can reproduce it easily. tempo just defaults to 120 instead of displayed tempo when switching between banks for the first pattern in that selected bank. < > indeed helps to quickly pick up the displayed tempo.

edit hmm seems much more complicated: if i switch to any pattern except pattern 1 in the new bank the wrong tempo corresponds to the last ‘correct’ tempo played on pattern 1 of that bank. so if i play bank A patt 1, change tempo to 140 + set bank A patt2 tempo to 160 . go bank B other pattern, switch back to bank A patt 2 chances are high it will playback at 140 while displaying 160. if i switch from bank B to A patt 1 and tempo is not playing at 140 but displaying it (lets say its playing 120), almost always changing from B to any A patterns will play 140.