I just started using trigs to send bank and pattern change commands to an external device (Drumbrute Impact). But I noticed that the Digitone will NOT send the command if it “thinks” the device is already on the requested pattern.
Example: Step 1 on the sequencer sends a change to pattern 3, which works as expected the first time through the pattern. But if I manually change the external device to pattern 4, then when step 1 comes around again on the sequencer, the pattern change (back to 3) does NOT get sent. This appears to be because Digitone “thinks” the Drumbrute is already on pattern 3 because it sent the change message previously. (It doesn’t know I manually changed to pattern 4.)
Is this normal behavior for a MIDI master? And, is there a way to force the Digitone to always send the program change command, even it that means it must re-send each time through the pattern?