Bank+pattern trigs don't re-send, is this normal?

I just started using trigs to send bank and pattern change commands to an external device (Drumbrute Impact). But I noticed that the Digitone will NOT send the command if it “thinks” the device is already on the requested pattern.

Example: Step 1 on the sequencer sends a change to pattern 3, which works as expected the first time through the pattern. But if I manually change the external device to pattern 4, then when step 1 comes around again on the sequencer, the pattern change (back to 3) does NOT get sent. This appears to be because Digitone “thinks” the Drumbrute is already on pattern 3 because it sent the change message previously. (It doesn’t know I manually changed to pattern 4.)

Is this normal behavior for a MIDI master? And, is there a way to force the Digitone to always send the program change command, even it that means it must re-send each time through the pattern?

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yea, same on the digitakt.

it used to work the way you’re asking for, which was great for tweaking external gear’s params over e.g. 4-bars and then have it return to saved state. but it changed a couple of firmware versions ago and the current way it works is the new normal.

to get around it you can add 2x trigs to your seq - the 1st one (step 1) sets the desired preset (e.g. CC20), and the 2nd one (step 16) changes the preset away from the desired preset (e.g. CC21).

Yes it’s really annoying. Best to file a support ticket. Everyone reading this!

Okay, thanks for confirming. There’s probably a decent reason for the change in the newer firmware, but it would be great to have control over the behavior (old way vs. new way).